Sepahvand, N.M., Triantafillou, E., Larochelle, H., Precup, D., Clark, J.J.,
Roy, D.M. and Dziugaite, G.K.
"Selective Unlearning via Representation Erasure Using Adversarial Training'',
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), April 2025.
Wang, Y., Panchadsaram, S., Sherkati, S., and Clark, J.J.,
"An Egocentric Video and Eye-Tracking Dataset for Visual Search in Convenience
Stores'', Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), Volume 248, November 2024.
Edalati, A., Tahaei, M., Kobyzev, I., Partovi Nia, V., Clark, J.J., and Rezagholizadeh, M.,
"KronA: Parameter Efficient Tuning with Kronecker Adapter",
3rd Neurips Workshop on Efficient Natural Language and Speech Processing.
December 2023.
Le, C., Ardakani, Am., Ardakani, Ar, Zhang, H., Chen, Y., Clark, J.J., Meyer, M. and Gross, W.,
"Efficient Two-Stage Progressive Quantization of BERT", EMNLP 2022 Workshop on Simple and
Efficient Natural Language Processing, Abu Dhabi, December 2022.
Hasan Mozafari, S., Clark, J., Gross, W. and Meyer B.,
"Implementing Convolutional Neural Networks Using Hartley Stochastic
Computing with Adaptive Rate Feature Map Compression",
in IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems, vol. 2, pp 805-819.
December 2021.
Tian, Q., Arbel, T. and Clark, J.J.,
``Deep LDA-Pruned Nets and their Robustness ",
Edge Intelligence Workshop, Montreal, March 2020.
Ra, K. and Clark, J.J.,
``Decoupled Hybrid 360DEG Panoramic Stereo Video'',
International Conference on
3D Vision (3DV), Quebec City, September 2019
[pdf draft]
Tian, Q., Arbel, T., Clark, J.J., "Structured Deep Fisher Pruning for
Efficient Facial Trait Classification'', Image and Vision Computing,
Vol. 77, pp 45-59, 2018.
Bouchard, J. and Clark, J.J., ``Half-Occluded Regions: The Key to Detecting
a Diverse Array of Defects in S3D Imagery'',
IC3D 2017 (Stereopsia), Brussels, Belgium, December 2017. (winner of
the best paper award)
Tian, Q., Arbel, T. and Clark, J.J.,
``Shannon Information Based Adaptive Sampling for Action Recognition'',
23rd International Conference on Pattern
Recognition, Cancun Mexico, December 2016.
Bouchard, J., Nazzar, Y., and Clark, J.J.,
``Half-Occluded Regions and Detection of Pseudoscopy'',
International Conference on
3D Vision (3DV), Lyon, France, October 2015
[pdf draft]
Haji-Abolhassani, A. and Clark, J.J.,
``An Inverse Yarbus Process: Predicting Observers' Task From Eye Movement
Patterns", Vision Research, Vol. 103, pp 127-142, October 2014.
Rezagholizadeh, M. and Clark, J.J.,
``Maximum Entropy Spectral
Modeling Approach to Mesopic Tone Mapping'',
21st Color and Imaging Conference (CIC21), November 4-8, 2013, Albuquerque USA
[pdf draft]
Demirkus, M., Precup, D., Clark, J.J. and Arbel, T.,
``Soft Biometric Trait Classification from Real-world Face Videos Conditioned on Head Pose
Estimation.'', 2012 CVPR Workshop on Biometrics. pp 130-137,
Providence USA, 2012.
[pdf draft]
Skaff, S. and Clark, J.J.,
"Spectral Color Constancy using a Maximum Entropy Approach"
Journal of the Optical Society of America - A, Vol. 28, No. 11,
pp. 2385-2399, 2011.
[pdf draft]
Clark, J.J., ``Physical Asymmetries and Brightness Perception'',
Symposium on Brain, Body and Machine, Montreal Canada, November 2010,
Springer Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Vol 83, pp. 71-82
Clark, J.J. and Skaff, S., "A spectral theory of color perception",
Journal of the Optical Society of America - A, Vol. 26, No. 12,
pp. 2488-2502, 2009.
Reeve, P., Clark, J.J. and O'Regan, J.K., "Convergent flash localization
near saccades without equivalent 'compression' of perceptual separation",
Journal of Vision, Vol. 8(13):5, pp. 1-19, 2008
Li, M. and Clark, J.J., "Selective Attention in the Learning of Viewpoint and Position Invariance", in Attention and Cognitive Systems, L. Paletta and E. Rome, eds., Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 4840, Springer, pp 263-276, 2007. [pdf]
Au, C.E., Skaff, S., and Clark, J.J., ``Anomaly Detection for Video
Surveillance Applications",
Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
Hong Kong, pp 888-891, August 2006
(full text: [pdf])
Nair, V., Laprise, P.-O., and Clark, J.J., "An FPGA-based people detection system", EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Vol. 7, pp 1047-1061, 2005. [pdf]
Li, M. and Clark, J.J., "A Temporal Stability Approach to Position and Attention Shift Invariant Recognition", Neural Computation, Vol. 16, No. 11, pp 2293 - 2321, 2004.
Clark, J.J., ``Ecological considerations support color physicalism'', commentary in Behavioural and Brain Sciences, Vol 26, pp 24-25, 2003.
Hafed, Z.M. and Clark, J.J., ``Microsaccades as an overt measure of covert attention shifts", Vision Research, Vol. 42, No. 22, pp 2533-2545, 2002. [pdf]
Hamze, F. and Clark, J.J., ``View-based route learning with self-organizing neural networks'', Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 19, No. 11, pp 753-761, September 2001. [pdf]
Rensink, R.A., O'Regan, J.K., and Clark, J.J., "On the Failure to Detect Changes in Scenes Across Brief Interruptions", in Visual Cognition, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp 127-146, 2000. [pdf (draft)]
Clark, J.J., ``Linking covert and overt attention'', commentary in Behavioural and Brain Sciences, Vol. 22, No. 4, p. 676, 1999 [txt]
Clark, J.J., ``Spatial attention and saccadic camera motion'', Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Leuven, Belgium, May 1998, pp 3247-3252. [pdf]
Rensink, R.A., O'Regan, J.K., and Clark, J.J., ``To See or Not to See: The Need for Attention to Perceive Changes in Scenes.'', Psychological Science, Vol 8, pp 368-373. 1997. [html (abstract)]
Rensink, R.A., O'Regan, J.K., and Clark, J.J., ``To see or not to see: The need for attention to perceive changes in scenes'', International Journal of Psychology, 31(3/4):, p 257, 1996 ((abstract) of 1996 International Congress of Psychology, Montreal) [html (abstract)]
Saxena, N. and Clark, J.J., ``Analogue system for eigenvalue computation and sorting based on an isospectral matrix flow'', Electronics Letters, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp 24-26, 1995 [pdf]
Saxena, N. and Clark, J.J., ``A four-quadrant CMOS analog multiplier for analog neural networks", IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, pp 746-749, June 1994. [pdf]
Ferrier, N.J., and Clark, J.J., ``The Harvard Binocular Head", in the International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp 9-32, 1993,
also in ACTIVE ROBOT VISION: Camera Heads, Model Based Navigation and Reactive Control, H.I. Christensen, K.W. Bowyer and H. Bunke eds., World Scientific Press, Singapore, pp 9- 32, 1993
Clark, J.J., and Ferrier, N.J., ``Attentive visual servoing'', in An Introduction to Active Vision, A. Blake and A.L. Yuille, eds, MIT Press, Cambridge Massachusetts, pp 137-154, 1992 [pdf]
Clark, J.J. and Friedman, D.J., ``VLSI Sensorimotor Systems", Proceedings of the 1991 IEEE Robotics and Automation Conference, Sacramento, pp 1342-1347, April 1991 [pdf]
Clark, J.J., and Yuille, A.L., Data Fusion for Sensory Information Processing Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, 1990.[pdf (very large file)]
Clark, J.J., ``Authenticating edges produced by zero crossing algorithms.", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp 43-57, January 1989 [pdf]
Clark, J.J., ``Singularity theory and phantom edges in scale space.", IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol 10, No. 5, pp 720-726, September 1988. [pdf]
Clark, J.J.,
``Singularities of Contrast Functions in Scale Space",
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Vision,
London, pp 491-495, June 1987
Clark, J.J., ``Analysis of the error in the reconstruction of N dimensional stochastic processes.", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp 1326-1329, October, 1986 [pdf]
Clark, J.J., Palmer, M.R., and Lawrence, P.D., ``A transformation method for the reconstruction of functions from non-uniformly spaced samples.", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp 1151-1165., October, 1985.
(Awarded the IEEE Transactions on ASSP Best Paper Award, 1987)
Clark, J.J. and Lawrence, P.D., ``A hierarchical image analysis system based upon oriented zero crossings of bandpassed images.", in Multi-Resolution Image Processing and Analysis , Azriel Rosenfeld, ed., Springer-Verlag, pp 148-168, 1984
Clark, J.J., Lawrence, P.D., Cottell, P. and Sauder, B.J.,
``Data Logger: A data acquisition and recording system
for man-machine studies'',
presented at the Joint Regional Meeting of the Canadian and American
Societies of Agricultural Engineering, Edmonton, Alberta, Sept., 1981.
This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder." For the papers published in IEEE conferences, workshops, or journals, the following copyright information applies:
Zhang, Y., Ju, X. and Clark, J.J.,
"FastVideoEdit: Leveraging Consistency Models for Efficient
Text-to-Video Editing", Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision
(WACV), March 2025.
Azimi, R., Kong, Y., Gostimirovic, D., Clark, J.J. and Liboiron-Ladouceur, O.,
"SEMU-Net: A Segmentation-based Corrector for Fabrication Process Variations
of Nanophotonics with Microscopic Images", Winter Conference on
Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), March 2025.
Sherkati, R., Wang, Y., Panchadsaram, S., and Clark, J.J.,
"Saliency Prediction of groups within a convenience store'',
Women in Machine Learning Workshop, Neurips, December 2024.
Zhang, H., Mozafari, S.H., Meyer, B., Clark, J.J. and Gross, W.J.,
"Intermediate Layer Distillation with the Reused Teacher Classifier: A Study
on the Importance of the Classifier of Attention-based Models",
EMNLP Conference Findings, November 2024.
Tayaranian, M., Mozafari, S.H., Clark, J.J., Meyer, B. and Gross, W.J.,
"Parameter Efficient Fine-tuning of Transformer-based Language Models using Dataset Pruning",
57th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, October 2024.
Tayaranian, M., Mozafari, S.H., Meyer, B.M., Clark, J.J. and Gross, W.J.,
"Automatic Pruning of Fine-tuning Datasets for Transformer-based Language Models",
Third Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents - CoLLAs 2024
Askari, F., Yared, C., Ramaprasad, R., Garg, D., Hu, A. and Clark, J.J.,
"Video Interaction Recognition using an Attention Augmented Relational
Network and Skeleton Data",
CVSports Workshop at CVPR 2024.
Shen, L., Edalati, A., Meyer, B.M., Gross, W. and Clark, J.J.,
"Robustness to distribution shifts of compressed networks for edge devices",
AAAI 2024 Edge Intelligence Workshop. February 2024.
Tarayanian, M., Mozafari, S.H., Clark, J.J., Meyer, B.M. and Gross, W.,
"Faster Inference of Integer SWIN Transformer by Removing the GELU Activation",
AAAI 2024 Edge Intelligence Workshop. February 2024.
Chubarau, A., Yoo, H.J., Akhavan, T. and Clark, J.J.,
"Adapting Pretrained Networks for Image Quality Assessment on High Dynamic Range Displays,"
Image Quality and System Performance Conference, at IS&T Electronic Imaging 2024.
Sherkati, R. and Clark, J.J., "Clustered Saliency Prediction", in
2023 British Machine Vision Conference, November 2023.
Mozafari, S.-H., Clark, J.J., Gross, W. and Meyer, B.,
"Training Acceleration of Frequency Domain CNNs Using Activation Compression",
2023 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 2023.
Mozafari, S.-H., Clark, J.J., Gross, W. and Meyer, B.,
"Efficient 1D Grouped Convolution For PyTorch A Case Study:
Fast On-Device Fine-Tuning For SqueezeBERT",
34th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific
Systems, Architectures and Processors, 2023.
Shen, L., Amara, I., Li, R., Meyer, B., Gross, W. and Clark, J.J.,
"Fast Fine-Tuning using Curriculum Domain Adaptation",
CRV 2023, Montreal.
Mosleh, A., Tahaei, M.S., Clark, J.J., and Partovi-Nia, V.,
"Towards Low-cost Learning-based Camera ISP via Unrolled Optimization",
CRV 2023, Montreal.
Askari, F., Jiang, R., Li, Z., Niu, J., Shi, Y. and Clark, J.J.,
"Self-Supervised Video Interaction Classification using Image Representation
of Skeleton Data",
CVSports Workshop at CVPR 2023.
Chang, H.Y., Mozafari, S.H., Clark, J.J, Meyer, B. and Gross, W.
"High-Throughput Edge Inference for BERT models via Neural Architecture Search
and Pipeline', GLSVLSI 2023.
Tian, Q., Arbel, T., and Clark, J.J.,
"Grow-Push-Prune: aligning deep discriminants for effective structural
network compression'', in Computer Vision and
Image Understanding (CVIU).
Wang, Y., Chubarau, A., Yoo, H.J., Akhavan, T. and Clark, J.J.,
"Age-specific perceptual image quality assessment," Image Quality and System
Performance Conference, at IS&T Electronic Imaging 2023.
Rangrej, S.B., Liang, K., Hassner, T. and Clark, J.J.,
"GliTr: Glimpse Transformers with Spatiotemporal Consistency for Online
Action Prediction", Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision
(WACV), Waikaloa Hawaii, January 2023.
Chang, H.-Y., Hasan Mozafari, S., Chen, C., Clark, J., Meyer, B. and Gross, W.,
"PipeBERT: High-throughput BERT inference for ARM big.LITTLE Multi-Core
Processors," accepted for publication in
Journal of Signal Processing Systems.
Vaseqi, Z., Clark, J.J. and Levine, M.D., "A Framework for Video-Text Retrieval
with Noisy Supervision", 24th ACM International Conference on Multimodal
Interaction, November 2022.
Abdelgawad, M., Hasan Mozafari, S., Clark, J., Gross, W. and Meyer B.,
"BERTPerf: Inference Latency Predictor for BERT on ARM big.LITTLE Multi-Core
Processors," 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems.
Rangrej, S.B. and Clark, J.J., "Consistency driven Sequential Transformers
Attention Model for Partially Observable Scenes",
2022 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
New Orleans, June 2022.
Vucetic, D., Tarayanian, M., Ziaeefard, M., Clark, J.J., Meyer, M. and Gross, W.,
"Efficient Fine-Tuning of Compressed Language Models with Learners",
ICML Workshop on Hardware-aware Efficient Training. July 2022.
Kornelsen, M., Mozafari, S., Clark, J.J., Meyer, M. and Gross, W.,
"Fast Heterogeneous Task Mapping for Reducing Edge DNN Latency",
33rd IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems,
Architectures and Processors (ASAP)2022.
Askari, F., Ramaprasad, R., Clark, J.J. and Levine, M.D.,
"Interaction Classification with Key Actor Detection in Multi-Person Sports Videos",
CVSports Workshop at CVPR 2022.
Shen, L., Ziaeefard, M., Meyer, B.H., Gross, W. and Clark, J.J.,
"Conjugate Adder Net (CAddNet) - a Space-Efficient Approximate CNN",
Efficient Deep Learning for Computer Vision Workshop at CVPR 2022.
Amara, I., Ziaeefard, M., Meyer, B.H., Gross, W., Clark, J.J.,
"CES-KD: Curriculum-based Expert Selection for Guided Knowledge Distillation",
2022 International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Montreal,
August 2022.
Firouzian, N., Mozafari, S.H., Clark, J.J., Gross, W.J. and Meyer, B.H.,
"Work-in-Progress: Utilizing latency and accuracy predictors for efficient
hardware-aware NAS," 2022 International Conference on Hardware/Software
Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS), 2022, pp. 15-16.
Clark, J.J., "The McGill Retail Innovation Lab", invited presentation at
Le Rendez-vous IA Quebec, Quebec City, April 2022.
Edalati, A., Tahaei, M., Rashid, A., Partovi Nia, V., Clark, J.J., and Rezagholizadeh, M.,
"Kronecker Decomposition for GPT Compression",
2022 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the
Association of Computational Linguistics (NAACL).
Clark, J.J.,
"Neural Network Compression for Mobile Devices: Accuracy, Calibration
and Adaptation", invited presentation at
Huawei Strategy and Technology Workshop (STW-2022), Shenzhen China, September 2022.
Clark, J.J.,
"What is Lost During Network Compression?", invited presentation at
2022 Edge Intelligence Workshop, Montreal, September 2022.
Amara, I., Ziaeefard, M., Meyer, B., Gross, W., and Clark, J.J.,
"On the Importance of Integrating Curriculum Design for Teacher Assistant-based Knowledge Distillation",
2022 Edge Intelligence Workshop, Montreal, September 2022.
Zhang, H., Mozafari, S., Clark, J.J., Gross, W., and Meyer, B.,
"Towards Finding Efficient Students via Blockwise Neural Architecture Search and Knowledge Distillation",
2022 Edge Intelligence Workshop, Montreal, September 2022.
Ardakani, A., Ardakani, A., Meyer, B., Clark, J.J. and Gross, W.,
"Standard Deviation-Based Quantization for Deep Neural Networks",
2022 Edge Intelligence Workshop, Montreal, September 2022.
Chang, H-Y., Mozafari, S., Clark, J.J., Gross, W., and Meyer, B.,
"NAS plus Pipeline for High Throughput Edge Inference BERT",
2022 Edge Intelligence Workshop, Montreal, September 2022.
Kornelson, M., Mozafari, S., Clark, J.J., Meyer, B., and Gross, W.,
"ARMCL BERT: Novel Quantizable BERT Implementation for ARM SoCs",
2022 Edge Intelligence Workshop, Montreal, September 2022.
Li, C., Mozafari, S., Clark, J.J., Gross, W., and Meyer, B.,
"BERT Inference Energy Predictor for Efficient Hardware-aware NAS",
2022 Edge Intelligence Workshop, Montreal, September 2022.
Shen, L., Meyer, B., Gross, W., and Clark, J.J.,
"Retention of Domain Adaptability in Compressed Neural Networks",
2022 Edge Intelligence Workshop, Montreal, September 2022.
Edalati, A., Tahaei, M., Rashid, A., Partovi Nia, V., Clark, J.J. and Rezagholizadeh, M.,
"Kronecker Decomposition for GPT Compression",
2022 Edge Intelligence Workshop, Montreal, September 2022.
Le, C., Ardakani, A., Clark, J.J., Meyer, B. and Gross, W.,
"Dyadic Integer Only BERT",
2022 Edge Intelligence Workshop, Montreal, September 2022.
Firouzian, N., Mozafari, S., Clark, J.J., Gross, W.J. and Meyer B.H.,
"Latency and Accuracy Predictors for Efficient BERT Hardware-aware NAS",
2022 Edge Intelligence Workshop, Montreal, September 2022.
Zangenehpour, S., Miranda-Moreno, L., Chung, C., Clark, J. and Ding, L.
"Apparatus and method for detecting, classifying and tracking road users
on frames of video data." U.S. Patent 11,232,310, issued January 25, 2022.
Rangrej, S.B. and Clark, J.J.,
"A Probabilistic Hard Attention Model For Sequentially Observed Scenes",
2021 British Machine Vision Conference
Edalati, A., Tahaei, M., Rashid, A., Partovi Nia, V., Clark, J.J., and Rezagholizadeh, M.,
"Kronecker Decomposition for GPT Compression",
Neurips 2021 Efficient Natural Language and Speech Processing
Sayar, K., Muthukrishnan, N., Savadjiev, P., Bhatnagar, S, Clark, J., Forghani, R.
``Medical Image Analysis Using Standard Radiomic Features and Mean Curvature
of Isophotes for Prediction of Cervical Lymph Node Metastasis",
2021 SIIM Conference on Machine Intelligence in Medical Imaging.
Hasan Mozafari, S., Clark, J., Gross, W. and Meyer B.,
"Hartley Stochastic Computing For Convolutional Neural Networks"
2021 International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems
Boatswain Jacques, A.A., Adamchuk, V.I., Park, J.,
Cloutier, G., Clark, J.J., Miller, C.,
"Towards a Machine Vision-Based Yield Monitor for the Counting and Quality
Mapping of Shallots",
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 8:627067. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2021.627067.
Tian, Q., Arbel, T. and Clark, J.J., ``Task dependent deep LDA pruning of
neural networks", Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 203, p.103154, January 2021
Vadacchino, S., Clark, J.J. and Arbel, T.,
``HAD-Net: A Hierarchical Adversarial Knowledge Distillation Network
for Improved Enhanced Tumour Segmentation Without Post-Contrast Images",
MIDL 2021 conference.
Clark, J.J., ``Active Sensor (Eye) Movement Control", in
Computer Vision: A Reference Guide (2021 edition), ed K. Ikeuchi, Springer US,
New York, 2021.
Amara, I. and Clark, J.J.,
``Uncertainty Transfer with Knowledge Distillation",
Edge Intelligence Workshop, Montreal, March 2020.
Chubarau, A., Akhavan, T., Yoo, H., Mantiuk, R. and Clark, J.J.,
``Perceptual Image Quality Assessment for Various Viewing Conditions and Display
Electronic Imaging: Image Quality and System Performance XVII,
Burlingame, USA, January 2020.
Corcoran, G. and Clark, J.J., ``Traffic Risk Assessment: A Two-Stream Approach Using Dynamic-Attention'',
Computer and Robot Vision Conference (CRV), Kingston, Canada, May 2019.
Hu, G. and Clark, J.J., ``Instance Segmentation based Semantic Matting for Compositing Applications'',
Computer and Robot Vision Conference (CRV), Kingston, Canada, May 2019.
Boatswain Jacques, A.A., Adamchuk, V., Cloutier, G., Clark, J.J., Miller, C.,
"Development of a Machine Vision Yield Monitor for Shallot Onion Harvesters",
14th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Montreal, Canada,
June 2018.
Gorji, S. and Clark, J.J.,
``Going from Image to Video Saliency: Augmenting Image Salience with
Dynamic Attentional Push'',
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Salt Lake City, June 2018.
Gorji, S. and Clark, J.J.,
``Attentional push: Shared attention modeling in image
and video saliency.'' 2018 Montreal AI Symposium (MAIS) Poster Session,
August 2018.
Yu, B. and Clark, J.J., ``WAYLA - Generating Images from Eye Movements'',
Computer and Robot Vision Conference (CRV), Toronto, Canada, May 2018.
Ward, G., Rafi Nazari, M., Soudi, A., Akhavan, T., Yoo, H.,
Gerhardt, J., Clark, J.J., ``Mitigating Color Deficiency in Graphical Display",
Society for Information Display's Display Week
Symposium, Los Angeles USA, May 2018.
Bouchard, J. and Clark, J.J., ``Quality Control of Stereoscopic 3-D Compositing
Using Half-Occlusion Geometry'', SMPTE Motion Imaging
Journal, No. 9, pp 48-58, 2017 (Honorable mention for best student journal paper).
Tian, Q., Arbel, T. and Clark, J.J.,
``Deep LDA-Pruned Nets for Efficient Facial Gender Classification'',
IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Biometrics 2017, Hawaii, July 2017.
Gorji, S. and Clark, J.J.,
``Attentional Push: A Deep Convolutional Network for Augmenting Image
Salience with Shared Attention Modeling in Social Scenes'',
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Hawaii, July 2017.
Boatswain Jacques, A.A., Adamchuk, V.I., Park, J.,
Cloutier, G., Clark, J.J., Leclerc, M.,
"A Machine Vision Yield Monitor for Vegetable Crops",
2017 ASABE Annual Meeting.
Gao, X., Yu, B., Ding, L., and Clark, J.J., ``Generation of Spatial-temporal
Panoramas with a Single Moving Camera'',
Computer and Robot Vision Conference (CRV), Victoria, Canada, June 2016.
Rezagholizadeh, M., Akhavan, T., Soudi, A.,
Kaufmann, H., and Clark, J.J., ``A retargeting approach for mesopic vision:
simulation and compensation'',
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol. 60, No. 1,
pp 10410-1-10410-12.
[pdf draft]
Rezagholizadeh, M., Akhavan, T., Soudi, A.,
Kaufmann, H., and Clark, J.J., ``A retargeting approach for mesopic vision:
simulation and compensation'', IS&T International Symposium on Electronic
Imagine Science and Technology,
Color Imaging XXI: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications,
February 2016.
Demirkus, M., Precup, D., Clark, J.J. and Arbel, T.,
``Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Probabilistic
Graphical Model with Multiple Feature Fusion for Estimating Binary Facial
Attribute Classes in Real-World Face Videos'',
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machines Intelligence.
vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 1185-1203, 2016,
[pdf draft]
Rezagholizadeh, M. and Clark, J.J.,
``Image Sensor Modeling: Noise and Linear
Transformation Impacts on the Color Gamut'',
12th Conference on
Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), Halifax, Canada, May 2015
[pdf draft]
Demirkus, M., Precup, D., Clark, J.J. and Arbel, T.,
``Hierarchical Temporal Graphical Model for Head Pose Estimation and
Subsequent Attribute Classification in Real-World Videos'',
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 136, pp 128-145, 2015.
Rezagholizadeh, M. and Clark, J.J.,
``Image Sensor Modeling: Color Measurement at Low Light Levels",
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol. 58, No. 3,
pp 030401-1 to 030401-11, 2014.
[pdf draft]
Rezagholizadeh, M. and Clark, J.J.,
``Image Sensor Modeling: Color Measurement at Low Light Levels",
22nd Color and Imaging Conference, Boston USA, November 2014.
Demirkus, M., Precup, D., Clark, J.J. and Arbel, T.,
``Multi-Layer Temporal Graphical Model for Head Pose Estimation in
Real-World Videos.'',
2014 International Conference on Image Processing., October 2014.
Demirkus, M., Precup, D., Clark, J.J. and Arbel, T.,
``Probabilistic temporal head pose estimation using a Hierarchical
Graphical model", European Conference on Computer Vision,
Zurich Switzerland, pp 328-344, September 2014.
Nazzar, Y., Bouchard, J., and Clark, J.J., ``Detection of Stereo Window
Violation in 3D Movies", poster presentation at SIGGRAPH 2014,
Vancouver Canada, August 2014.
Clark, J.J., ``Active Sensor (Eye) Movement Control", in
Computer Vision: A Reference Guide, ed K. Ikeuchi, Springer US,
New York, pp 5-8, 2014.
Ziat, M., Fridstrom, J., Kilpela, K., Fancher, J. and Clark, J.J.,
``InGrid: Interactive Grid Table'', CHI Interactivity 2014., Paris
France, April 2014
Rezagholizadeh, M. and Clark, J.J.,
``Photon Detection and Color Perception at Low Light Levels'',
11th Conference on
Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), Montreal Canada, pp 283-290, May 2014
[pdf draft]
Demirkus, M., Clark, J.J. and Arbel, T.,
``Robust Semi-automatic Head Pose Labeling for Real-world Face Video Sequences
'', Multimedia Tools and Applications. Vol. 70, No. 1, pp 495-523, 2014.
Haji-Abolhassani, A. and Clark, J.J.,
``A computational model for task inference in visual search",
Journal of Vision, special issue on visual search and selective attention, Vol. 13, No. 3, Article 29, September 26 2013
Tian, Q. and Clark, J.J.,
``Real-time Specularity Detection Using Unnormalized Wiener Entropy'',
10th Conference on
Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), Regina Canada, May 2013
[pdf draft]
Rezagholizadeh, M. and Clark, J.J.,
``Edge-based and Efficient Chromaticity Spatio-Spectral Models
for Color Constancy'',
10th Conference on
Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), Regina Canada, May 2013
[pdf draft]
Ziat, M., Fancher, J., Kilpela, K., Fridstrom, J. and
Clark, J.J.,
``InGrid: Rethinking the Embodied Space'', in
CHI 2013 Workshop on Blended Interaction: Envisioning Future
Collaborative Interactive Spaces. Paris France, May 2013.
Ziat, M., Au, C.E., Haji-Abolhassani, A. and Clark, J.J.,
``Enhancing visuospatial map learning through action on cellphones'',
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 9, No. 1, March 2012
[pdf draft]
Haji-Abolhassani, A. and Clark, J.J.,
``Visual Task Inference in
Conjunction Search Using Hidden Markov Models and Token Passing"
2012 Vision Science Symposium (VSS),
Florida USA, May 2012
[html abstract].
[poster pdf].
Haji-Abolhassani, A. and Clark, J.J.,
``Information Fusion in Visual Task Inference''
2012 9th Conference on
Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), Toronto Canada, May 2012
(awarded the best student paper prize)
[pdf draft].
Clark, J.J., ``Attention: Doing and Feeling'', invited presentation at the
Summer School in Cognitive Sciences: the Evolution and Function
of Consciousness, UQAM, Montreal Canada, July 2012.
[mp4 video]
Au, C.E., Ng, V. and Clark, J.J.,
``MirrorMap: Augmenting 2D Mobile Maps with Virtual Mirrors'',
Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Conference on Human
Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, pp. 255-264,
Stockholm Sweden, 2011.
[pdf draft]
Demirkus, M., Oreshkin, B., Clark, J.J. and Arbel, T.,
``Spatial and probabilistic codebook template based head pose estimation
from unconstrained environments'',
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
(ICIP), Brussels Belgium, September 2011, pp. 573-576.
Haji-Abolhassani, A. and Clark, J.J.,
``Visual Task Inference Using Hidden Markov Models'',
Proceedings of the 2011 International Joint Conference
on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), pp 1678-1683, Barcelona Spain, 2011.
[pdf draft]
Haji-Abolhassani, A. and Clark, J.J., ``Realization of an Inverse
Yarbus Process via Hidden Markov Models for Visual-Task Inference'',
Proceedings of the 2011 Vision Science Symposium (VSS),
Journal of Vision, Vol. 11, p. 218, Florida USA, 2011.
[pdf abstract]
Au, C.E. and Clark, J.J., ``Integrating Multiple Views with Virtual Mirrors to
Facilitate Scene Understanding'', ACM
Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 8(4), 2011.
[pdf draft]
Au, C.E. and Clark, J.J., ``A New Approach to Virtual Mirroring for
View Integration'',
Symposium on Brain, Body and Machine, Montreal Canada, November 2010,
Springer Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Vol 83, pp. 45-56
Demirkus, M., Toews, M., Clark, J.J. and Arbel, T., ``Gender Classification from
Unconstrained Video Sequences'',
IEEE Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures (AMFG),
San Francisco USA, June 2010[pdf].
Clark, J.J., "Photometric Stereo using LCD Displays", Image and Vision
Computing, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp 704-714, 2010
[pdf (proof copy)]
Skaff, S., Arbel, T., and Clark, J.J.,
"A Sequential Bayesian Approach to Color Constancy using Non-Uniform Filters",
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 113, No. 9, pp. 993-1004,
[pdf (proof copy with some typographical errors]
Laporte, C., Clark, J.J. and Arbel, T.,
"Generalised Poisson 3D scatterer distributions",
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control,
Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 410-415, 2009.
Jie, L. and Clark, J.J., ``Video Game Design Using an Eye Movement
Dependent Model of Visual Attention'', ACM
Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications,
Vol. 4, No. 3, pp 22:1-16, 2008
[pdf pre-publication draft]
Skaff, S. and Clark, J.J., ``Maximum Entropy Spectral Models for Color
Constancy in the Presence of Interreflections,"
Proceedings of the 16th Color Imaging
Conference, Portland USA, November 2008.
Skaff, S., Clark, J.J., and Rekleitis, I. ``Estimating Surface Reflectance
Spectra for Underwater Color Vision"
Proceedings of the 2008 British Machine Vision Conference,
Leeds, U.K., Vol. 2, pp. 1015-1024, September 2008.
Au, C.E. and Clark, J.J., ``Multiple View Integration and
Display Using Virtual Mirrors",
the 5th Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision,
Windsor Canada, May 2008.
Clark, J.J., Hafed, Z. and Jie, L. ``Attention and Action'', in Computational Vision in Neural and Machine Systems, L. Harris and M. Jenkin, eds., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge England, 2007
Skaff, S. and Clark, J.J., ``Maximum Entropy Spectral Models for Color
Constancy", Proceedings of the 15th Color Imaging
Conference, Albuquerque, N.M., pp. 100-105, November 2007.
Jie, L. and Clark, J.J., ``Game Design Guided by Visual Attention",
Proceedings of the International Conference on Entertainment
Computing, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 345-355,
Shanghai, September 2007
Laporte, C., Clark, J.J. and Arbel, T., ``A Fractal Multi-dimensional ultrasound
scatterer distribution model'', Proceedings of the
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI07),
Washington D.C., pp 880-883, April 2007[pdf].
Au, C.E., Skaff, S., and Clark, J.J., ``Anomaly Detection for Video
Surveillance Applications", 16th Annual Canadian Conference on Intelligent
Systems, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 31-June 2, 2006. awarded best
poster prize
Ehtiati, T., Clark, J. J., ``A Bayesian Model for the Bi-directional
Influences between the Scene and the Object Identification Processes'',
Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Representation and Use of
Prior Knowledge in Vision (WRUPKV), in association with the 9th European
Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), pp. 126-139, Graz, Austria, May
Clark, J.J., "Photometric Stereo with Nearby Planar Distributed
Proceedings of the Third Canadian Conference on Computer and
Robot Vision, Quebec City, p. 16, June 2006
(full text: [pdf])
Ahmedali, T. and Clark, J.J., "Collaborative Multi-Camera Surveillance
with Automated Person Detection",
Proceedings of the 2006 International Workshop on Video
Processing for Security, p. 39, Quebec City, June 2006
(full text: [pdf])
Li, M. and Clark, J.J., "Selective Attention in the
Learning of Invariant Representation of Objects",
Workshop on Attention and Performance in Computer Vision,
San Diego, June 2005.
Clark, J.J., "Attention and Eye Movements", invited presentation
at the CVR 2005 International Vision Conference, Toronto, Ontario, June 2005
Jie, L. and Clark, J.J., "Microsaccadic Eye Movements During Ocular
Pursuit", Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting (VSS), Sarasota, Florida, May 2005, abstract published
in Journal of Vision, Volume 5, Number 8, Page 697a, 2005.
[html (abstract)]
Skaff, S., Au, C., and Clark, J.J., ``Anomaly Detection for Video Surveillance Applications", poster presentation at the 15th Annual Canadian Conference on Intelligent Systems, Quebec City, Canada, June 5-7, 2005.
(winner of 3rd prize in the student poster contest)
Clark, J. and Skaff, S., "Maximum Entropy Models of Surface
Reflectance Spectra",
Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (IMTC),
Ottawa, Ontario, Vol. 2, pp 1557-1560, May 2005
Ehtiati, T. and Clark, J.J., "Interacting Scene and Object Identification
Processes: Strongly Coupled Priors vs. Strongly Coupled Likelihoods.",
unpublished poster presentation at the 2005 Computational and Systems
Neuroscience (COSYNE) Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 2005
Clark, J.J. and Li, M., "Perceptual Stability and the Learning of
Invariance" invited presentation at the Invariant Representations in Vision
Workshop, Snowbird Utah, March 2005
Reeve, P., Clark, J.J. and O'Regan, J.K, "Perceptual visual space is not compressed before saccades", 2004 European Conference on Visual Perception, Budapest, Hungary, August 2004 [html (abstract)]
Ehtiati, T. and Clark, J.J., "A Strongly Coupled Architecture for
Contextual Object and Scene Identification",
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Cambridge,
England, Vol. III, pp 69-72, August 2004
Nair, V. and Clark, J.J., ``An unsupervised, online learning framework for moving object detection", 2004
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Washington D.C., Vol. 2, pp 317-324, June 2004. [pdf]
Li, M. and Clark, J.J., "Learning of Position and Attention-Shift Invariant Recognition across Attention Shifts", 2004 Workshop on Attention and Performance in Computer Vision, Prague, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3368 Springer 2004, pp 57-70, May 2004.
Clark, J.J., Advanced Programming Techniques for Modular
Synthesizers, unpublished online-book, Dept. of Elect. & Compt.
Engineering, Centre For Intelligent Machines, McGill University,
Montreal Canada.
Clark, J.J. and Hernandez, D., ``Surround statistics and the perception of intensity and color'', 3rd International Workshop on Statistical and Computational Theories of Vision, Nice, October 2003. [pdf]
Hafed, Z.M. and Clark, J.J., ``Detecting patterns of covert attention shifts in psychophysical tasks using microsaccades'', Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting (VSS), Sarasota, Florida, May 2003. also in Journal of Vision3(9), 183a [html (abstract)]
Ehtiati, T. and Clark, J.J., ``Context-Based Scene and Object
Categorization", UQAM Summer Institute in Cognitive Sciences 2003 on
Categorization, poster presentation, Montreal, July, 2003.
Ehtiati, T. and Clark, J.J., ``Context-based Object Detection",
Canadian Conference on Intelligent Systems, poster presentation,
Halifax, June, 2003. (winner of first prize for best student poster).
Clark, J.J. ``Asymmetries in ecological and sensorimotor laws: towards a theory of subjective experience'', invited presentation at the 3rd Workshop on the Genesis of Perception and the Notion of Space in Machines and Humans, Paris, France, October 2002.
[pdf talk slides, referenced in Alva Noe's book]
Hafed, Z.M. and Clark, J.J., ``Shifts in Feature-based attention as a result of spatial cueing: support for location dominance in attentional selection", European Conference on Visual Perception, Scotland, August 2002. [html (abstract)]
Bompas, A., Clark, J.J. and O'Regan, J.K., "Color Perception in the Sensorimotor Contingency Theory", European Conference on Visual Perception, Scotland, August 2002. [html (abstract)]
Clark, J.J., Reeve, P.T., and O'Regan, J.K., "Illusory displacement in periodic LED flashing", Conference on Visual Localization in Space-Time, Brighton, England, August 2002.
Skaff, S., Arbel, T., and Clark, J.J., ``Active Bayesian Color
Constancy with Non-Uniform Sensors'',
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Quebec City,
Canada, pp II-681:684, August 2002
Lamarre, M. and Clark, J.J., ``Background subtraction using competing models in the block-DCT domain", 2002 International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Quebec City, Canada, pp I-299:304, August 2002 [pdf]
Hafed, Z. and Clark, J.J., ``Pre-saccade target color influences the perception of its post-saccade counterpart", 2002 Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting (VSS), Sarasota, Florida, p. 65, May 2002. (also in Journal of Vision, Vol. 2, No. 7, p. 175a.) [html (abstract)]
Nair, V. and Clark, J.J., ``Automated Visual Surveillance Using Hidden Markov Models", the 15th Vision Interface Conference, Calgary, pp 88-92, May 2002. [pdf]
Nair, V. and Clark, J.J., ``Automated Visual Surveillance Using Hidden Markov Models", poster presentation at the 12th Annual Canadian Conference on Intelligent Systems, Calgary, May 2002
(Winner of 2nd prize for the best student poster)
Skaff, S., Arbel, T., and Clark, J.J., ``Active Bayesian Color Constancy with Non-Uniform Sensors", poster presentation at the 12th Annual Canadian Conference on Intelligent Systems, Calgary, Canada, May 29-31, 2002.
Li, M. and Clark, J.J., ``Sensorimotor learning and the development of position invariance", unpublished poster presentation at the 2002 Neural Information and Coding Workshop, Les Houches, France, March 2002.
Clark, J.J. and Wang, L., ``Active Shape from Shadows with Optimized Illuminant Trajectories'', International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp 141-166, July, 2001. [pdf (draft)]
Clark, J.J. ``Learning sensorimotor contingencies'', invited presentation at the Workshop on the Genesis of Perception and the Notion of Space in Machines and Humans, Paris, France, October 2001.
O'Regan, J.K., Clark, J.J., Nadal, J.-P., Auvray, M., Bompas, A., and Philipona, D. ``Implications of a "sensorimotor" theory of visual phenomenality for change blindness, color perception, sensory substitution and the notion of space and object.'', International Workshop Pathways to Abstraction: From Experience to Concept, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, Septermber 2001.
Hafed, Z.M. and Clark, J.J., ``Microsaccades reflect covert attention shifts.'', European Conference on Visual Perception, Turkey, August 2001. [html (abstract)]
O'Regan J.K., Clark J., Bompas A., ``Implications of a sensorimotor theory of
vision for scene perception and colour sensation", Perception 30 ECVP
Abstract Supplement, European Conference on Visual Perception, Turkey, August 2001. [html (abstract)]
Hafed, Z. M. and Clark, J. J., ``Towards the tracking of covert attention: the role of microsaccades", 11th Annual Canadian Conference on Intelligent Systems, Ottawa, June 4-5, 2001.
O'Regan, J.K, Deubel, H., Clark, J.J., and Rensink, R.A., ``Picture changes during blinks: looking without seeing and seeing without looking'', in Visual Cognition Vol. 7, No. 1, pp 191-212, 2000. [html (abstract)]
Sidloi, M. and Clark, J. J., ``Distributed Image Analysis with Streaming Video Interconnects", poster presentation at the 10th Annual Canadian Conference on Intelligent Systems, Montreal, May 2000.
Hochstein, L., Lerner, S., Clark, J.J., and Cooperstock, J., ``Soccer-Swarm: A visualization framework for the development of robot soccer players'', 2000 International Symposium on Robotics, Montreal, May 2000, pp 108-113 [pdf]
Clark, J.J. and O'Regan, J.K., ``A Temporal-difference learning model for perceptual stability in color vision'', 2000 International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Barcelona, Spain, September 2000, pp 503-506 [pdf]
Hafed, Z. and Clark, J.J., ``Neural network model of saccade generation and control'', Investigative Opthalmology and Visual Science, Vol. 41, No. 4, p S315. (abstract of 2000 ARVO Conference), May 2000. [html (abstract)]
Clark, J.J. and O'Regan, J.K., ``Word Ambiguity and the Optimal Viewing Position in Reading", Vision Research, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp 843-857, 1999. [pdf (draft)]
O'Regan, J.K., Rensink, R.A., and Clark, J.J., ``Change blindness as a result of mudsplashes'', Nature, Vol. 398, p. 34, March 4, 1999. [html (abstract)]
Clark, J.J., ``Spatial Attention and Latencies of Saccadic Eye Movements", Vision Research, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp 583-600, 1999 [pdf (draft)]
Clark, J.J., ``Premotor models of spatial attention and eye movement'', invited presentation at the First Annual Computational Neuroscience Symposium, University of Minnesota, October 1999.
Hafed, Z. and Clark, J.J., ``A neural network model of saccade generation in humans'', First Annual Computational Neuroscience Symposium, University of Minnesota, (poster presentation), October 1999.
Hafed, Z.M. and Clark, J.J., ``Investigating attention, fixation, and saccade generation in the oculomotor system", poster presentation at the 9th Annual Canadian Conference on Intelligent Systems, Toronto, June 1999.
Clark, J.J., ``Attention and X-reality", oral presentation at the 9th Annual Canadian Conference on Intelligent Systems, Toronto, June 1999.
Clark, J.J. and Pekau, H., ``An integral formulation of differential photometric stereo'', Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference, Fort Collins, Colorado, June 1999, pp 119-124. [pdf]
Hamze, F. and Clark, J.J., ``View-based route learning with self-organizing neural networks'', 1999 Workshop on Perception for Mobile Agents, Fort Collins, Colorado, pp 61-73, June 1999. [pdf]
Clark, J.J., ``Premotor theory of attention'', lecture given at the Workshop on Neuromorphic Engineering, Telluride, Colorado, July 1998.
Clark, J.J., ``Computational Vision for Sensorimotor Control and Navigation'', lecture given at the Workshop on Neuromorphic Engineering, Telluride, Colorado, July 1998.
Clark, J.J., ``Spatial attention and the maintenance of representations of a robot's environment'', Proceedings of the 1998 Workshop on Perception for Mobile Agents, Santa Barbara, June 1998. [pdf]
Clark, J.J. ``Control of Active Vision Systems'', invited presentation at the Perspectives in Control Conference (Festschrift for Roger Brockett), Cambridge, MA, October 1998.
Rensink R.A., O'Regan JK, and Clark J.J., ``The Need for Attention to See Changes in Scenes.'', Nissan Technical Review, Vol. 41, pp 57-60. 1997 [html (abstract)]
Clark, J.J. and Wang, L., ``Trajectories for optimal temporal integration in active vision systems'', Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Albuquerque N.M., pp 431-436, April 1997 [pdf]
O'Regan, J.K., Deubel, H., Clark, J.J. and Rensink, R.A., ``Picture changes during blinks: not seeing where you look and seeing where you don't look'', Investigative Opthalmology and Visual Science, vol. 38, No. 4, p 707, 1997. (abstract of 1997 ARVO Conference) [html (abstract)]
Rensink, R.A., O'Regan, J.K., and Clark, J.J., ``To see or not to see: The need for attention to perceive changes in scenes'', Investigative Opthalmology and Visual Science, vol. 37, No. 4, p 213, 1996 (abstract of 1996 ARVO Conference) [html (abstract)]
O'Regan, J.K., Rensink, R.A., and Clark, J.J., ``Mud splashes render picture changes invisible'', Investigative Opthalmology and Visual Science, vol. 37, No. 4, p 213, 1996 (abstract of 1996 ARVO Conference) [html (abstract)]
Saxena, N. and Clark, J.J., ``Parallel implementation of the double bracket matrix flow for eigenvalue-eigenvector computation and sorting", in Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architecture, M. Moonen and F. Cathorr, eds, Elsevier Scientific Press, pp 85-96, 1995
Rensink, R.A., O'Regan, J.K., and Clark, J.J., ``Image flicker is as good as saccades in making large scene changes invisible'', Perception (suppl.), Vol. 24, pp 26-28, 1995 (abstract of the European Conference on Visual Perception, Tubingen Germany, August 1995) [html (abstract)]
Weisman, M.J., Yuille, A.L., and Clark, J.J., ``Parameterized Surface Fitting via MAP Estimation for Binocular Stereo'', Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Nagoya, Japan, 1995, pp 2049-2053. [pdf]
Saxena, N. and Clark, J.J., ``Parallel implementation of the double bracket matrix flow for eigenvalue-eigenvector computation and sorting", Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures, Leuven, Belgium, August 1994
Wang, L. and Clark, J.J., ``Active shape and depth extraction from shadow images", Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, Texas, pp 530-533, November 1994 [pdf]
Clark, J.J. and Hewes, R.P., ``MIMD image analysis with local agents", Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, Texas, pp 681-685, November 1994 [pdf]
Clark, J.J., and Hewes, R.P., ``A model for natural and artificial MIMD systems", poster presented at ALIFE IV, Cambridge MA, July 1994
Clark, J.J., and Cochran, D., ``Time-warped Bandlimited Signals: Sampling, Bandlimitedness, and Uniqueness of Representation'', in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, San Antonio, TX, p. 331, January 1993 [pdf]
Wang, L. and Clark, J.J., ``Shape from active shadow motion", Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XII, Boston, MA, pp. 2-13, September 1993 [html (abstract)]
Yuille, A.L., and Clark, J.J., ``Bayesian Models, Deformable Templates, and Competitive Priors'', in Spatial Vision in Humans and Robots, L. Harris and M. Jenkin, eds., pp 137-154, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge England, 1992.
Clark, J.J., ``Active Photometric Stereo", in Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference, Champaign, IL, pp 29-35, June 1992 [pdf]
Clark, J.J., Weisman, M.J. and Yuille, A.L., ``Using Viewpoint Consistency Information in Active Stereo Vision", Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XI, Boston, MA, pp. 696-702, November 1992 [html (abstract)]
Clark, J.J., ``Whitening Filtering Error Using Nonuniform Sampling", Proceedings of the 10th Annual Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, Scottsdale AZ, pp 477-482, March 1991 [pdf]
Friedman, D.J. and Clark, J.J., ``VLSI Sensor/Processor Circuitry for Autonomous Robots", Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Optics, Illumination and Image Sensing for Machine Vision VI, Boston, pp 99-110, November 1991 [html (abstract)]
Clark, J.J., ``Split Drain MOSFET Magnetic Sensor Arrays", Sensors and Actuators, Vol. 24, pp 107-116, 1990 [html (abstract)]
Hwang, T.L. and Clark, J.J., ``A Spatio-temporal Generalization of Canny's Edge Detector", Proceedings of the 10th Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition, Atlantic City, pp 314-318, June 1990 [pdf]
Hwang, T.L. and Clark, J.J., ``On Local Detection of Moving Edges", Proceedings of the 10th Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition, Atlantic City, pp 180-184, June 1990 [pdf]
Bestavros, A.A., Clark, J.J., and Ferrier, N.J., ``Management of Active Sensing in Mobile Robotic Systems'', Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE Robotics and Automation Conference, Cincinnati, pp 592-597, May 1990. [pdf]
Ferrier, N.J. and Clark, J.J., ``Optimal Motion for Active Sensing'', Proceedings of the 1990 International Symposium on Robotics and Manufacturing, Vancouver, pp 169-174, July 1990.
Clark, J.J. and Hewes, R.P., ``Active Sensing at a Microscopic Scale", Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Philadelphia, pp 246-251, September 1990. [pdf]
Clark, J.J., ``An Analog CMOS Implementation of a Self-organizing Feedforward Network'', Proceedings of the 1990 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pp II-118-121, January 1990
Cochran, D., and Clark, J.J., ``On the Sampling and Reconstruction of Time Warped Band-limited Signals'', Proceedings of the 1990 International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, Albequerque, N.M., pp 1539-1541, April 1990 [pdf]
Clark, J.J. and Yuille, A.L., ``Shape From Shading via the Fusion of Specular and Lambertian Image Components'', Proceedings of the 10th Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition, Atlantic City, pp 88-92, June 1990 [pdf]
Hwang, T.L., Clark, J.J., and Yuille, A.L., ``A Depth Recovery Algorithm Using Defocus Information'', Proceedings of the 1989 IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference, San Diego, pp 476-482, June 1989 [pdf]
Clark, J.J., ``Sampling and Reconstruction of Non Bandlimited Signals'', Proceedings of the 1989 SPIE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing, Philadelphia, pp 1556-1562, November 1989 [html (abstract)]
Clark, J.J. and Friedman, D.J., ``Local Processing of Sensor Array Data Using Current Mode Circuitry", Proceedings of the 1989 International Electron Devices Meeting, Washington, pp 507-510, December 1989 [pdf]
Clark, J.J. and Ferrier, N.J., ``Control of Visual Attention in Mobile Robots", Proceedings of the 1989 IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, Scottsdale Arizona, pp 826-831, May 1989 [pdf]
Clark, J.J. and Ferrier, N.J., ``Modal Control of an Attentive Vision System", Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision, Tarpon Springs Florida, pp 514-523, December 1988 [pdf]
Clark, J.J., ``CMOS Magnetic Sensor Arrays", Technical Digest of the 1988 Solid-State Sensor and Actuator Workshop, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, pp 72-75, June 1988 [pdf]
Clark, J.J., ``A Magnetic Field Based Compliance Matching Sensor for High Resolution, High Compliance Tactile Sensing", Proceedings of the 1988 IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, Philadelphia, PA, pp 772-778, April 1988 [pdf]
Clark, J.J., ``Novel Circuit Techniques for Sensor Arrays", invited presentation at the Second Workshop on Synthetic Microstructures in Biological Research, Airlie Virginia, March 1988
Clark, J.J. and Lawrence, P.D., ``A theoretical basis for diffrequency stereo.", Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp 1-19, June, 1986.
Clark, J.J. and Lawrence, P.D., ``A systolic parallel processor for the rapid computation of multi-resolution edge images using the $nabla^2G$ operator.", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 2, pp 302-319, 1985.[pdf]
Clark, J.J., ``Multi-resolution stereo vision with application to the automated
measurement of logs'', Ph.D. thesis, University of British Columbia, Canada,
September 1985.
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