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ead, eadr


Compute the Taylor series expansion of $(e^X)Y(e^{-X})=(e^{ad_X})Y$.
eadr, reduces the Lie brackets in the expression to elements in the PHB and further simplifies it according to the supplied Lie bracket table.

Syntax e:=ead(x,y,n);

Compute the Taylor series expansion of the exponential formula (9):
$\displaystyle (e^X)Y(e^{-X})$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle Y+[X,Y]+\frac{1}{2!}[X,[X,Y]]
  $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \sum_{k=0}\frac{1}{k!}(ad_X^k)Y$  
  $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle (e^{ad_X})Y$  

up to terms of order $n$. Details concerning the above formula can be found in [43], (see theorem 2.13.2, p. 104).
eadr, reduces the Lie brackets in the expression to elements in the PHB and further simplifies the expression according to the supplied Lie bracket table. If the Lie bracket table is an empty list or set, no additional simplifications are carried out.

Arguments $x, y$ $\textstyle \parbox{0.64\textwidth}{A pair of elements of the
 Lie algebra or Lie polynomials.}$
$n$ $\textstyle \parbox{0.64\textwidth}{Order of the Taylor series
 expansion ($n$\ will be the order of the highest order bracket in the

eadr additionally requires:
$B$ $\textstyle \parbox{0.64\textwidth}{A Philip Hall basis.}$
$lbt$ % latex2html id marker 10321
$\textstyle \parbox{0.64\textwidth}{A Lie bracket t...
...n empty list or set if no
 dependencies between the brackets in the PHB exist.}$

The Taylor series expansion for exponential of the operator $ad_{f_1}$ acting on $f_0$, denoted by $e^{ad_{f_1}}f_0$, may be calculated as:
> z:=ead(f1,f0,3);

  z := f0~ + (f1~ &* f0~) + 1/2 (f1~ &* (f1~ &* f0~))

         + 1/6 (f1~ &* (f1~ &* (f1~ &* f0~)))
which simplified using the reduceLB command results in
> reduceLB(z,B);

  f0~ - (f0~ &* f1~) - 1/2 (f1~ &* (f0~ &* f1~))

         - 1/6 (f1~ &* (f1~ &* (f0~ &* f1~)))

The above result could also be obtained in single step using the procedure eadr, which automatically reduces the brackets to basis brackets in the PHB given in $B$ (see example for phb on page [*]. If a Lie bracket table is also provided then the expression will be further simplified. Note that in the following example the Lie bracket table is an empty set, thus no additional simplifications take place.
>  eadr(f1,f0,3,B,{});

  f0~ - (f0~ &* f1~) - 1/2 (f1~ &* (f0~ &* f1~))

         - 1/6 (f1~ &* (f1~ &* (f0~ &* f1~)))

See Also

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Miguel Attilio Torres-Torriti 2004-05-31