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Implement the adjoint operator $(ad_X^n)$ applied $n$ times to $Y$, which corresponds to the $n$-times Lie bracketing of $X$ with $Y$.

Syntax e:=ad(x,y,n);

This procedure implements the adjoint operator $(ad_X^n)$ applied $n$ times to $Y$ and which corresponds to the $n$-times Lie bracketing of $X$ with $Y$, i.e.

(ad_X^0)Y &=& (ad_X)^0Y=Y\\ 
(ad_X )Y &=& [X,Y]\\ 
(ad_X^n)Y &...
 &=& (ad_X)(ad_X^{n-1})Y=[x,(ad_X^{n-1})Y]

Arguments $x, y$ $\textstyle \parbox{0.64\textwidth}{A pair of elements of the
 Lie algebra or Lie polynomials.}$
$n$ The number of times $x$ will be bracketed with $y$.

The calculation of the Lie bracket $[f_1,[f_1,f_0]]=(ad_{f_1}^2)f_0$ can be performed as follows:
> ad(f1,f0,2);

                         f1~ &* (f1~ &* f0~)

Miguel Attilio Torres-Torriti 2004-05-31