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Generate a Philip Hall basis.

Syntax B:=phb(m,k);

This function constructs a list containing the Philip Hall basis (PHB) for a nilpotent Lie algebra of degree $k$ generated by $m$ generators. The elements in the PHB are elements of the Lie algebra selected in way such that the dependencies between brackets, imposed by the anti-symmetry property and the Jacobi identity, are taken into account.

Arguments $m$ Number of Lie algebra generators.
$k$ $\textstyle \parbox{0.64\textwidth}{Order of nilpotency,
 i.e. brackets of length k+1 and higher are equal to zero.}$

Construct a Philip Hall basis for a nilpotent algebra of order 4 generated by 3 vector fields.
> B:=phb(3,4);
B:=[f0~, f1~, f2~, f0~ &* f1~, f0~ &* f2~, f1~ &* f2~,
    f0~ &* (f0~ &* f1~), f0~ &* (f0~ &* f2~), f1~ &* (f0~ &* f1~),
    f1~ &* (f0~ &* f2~), f1~ &* (f1~ &* f2~), f2~ &* (f0~ &* f1~),
    f2~ &* (f0~ &* f2~), f2~ &* (f1~ &* f2~),
    (f0~ &* f1~) &* (f0~ &* f2~), (f0~ &* f1~) &* (f1~ &* f2~),
    (f0~ &* f2~) &* (f1~ &* f2~), f0~ &* (f0~ &* (f0~ &* f1~)),
    f0~ &* (f0~ &* (f0~ &* f2~)), f1~ &* (f0~ &* (f0~ &* f1~)),
    f1~ &* (f0~ &* (f0~ &* f2~)), f1~ &* (f1~ &* (f0~ &* f1~)),
    f1~ &* (f1~ &* (f0~ &* f2~)), f1~ &* (f1~ &* (f1~ &* f2~)),
    f2~ &* (f0~ &* (f0~ &* f1~)), f2~ &* (f0~ &* (f0~ &* f2~)),
    f2~ &* (f1~ &* (f0~ &* f1~)), f2~ &* (f1~ &* (f0~ &* f2~)),
    f2~ &* (f1~ &* (f1~ &* f2~)), f2~ &* (f2~ &* (f0~ &* f1~)),
    f2~ &* (f2~ &* (f0~ &* f2~)), f2~ &* (f2~ &* (f1~ &* f2~))]

This function also declares the symbol for the Lie product operator denoted by &* if it was not previously assigned. This is only to ensure that &* and its properties (see Loading LTP in section 2.3 have been assigned in case it was manually removed. The &* operator is created by default at startup when the package is loaded.

There aren't any known limitations, besides the normal limitations imposed by the memory of the machine.

See Also phbize.

The Philip Hall Basis
Due to the antisymmetry property and the Jacobi identity not all the elements of the Lie algebra $\mathcal{L}(g_1,\ldots, g_m)$ generated by $g_1,\ldots, g_m$ are linearly independent. One possible method for constructing a basis which takes into account the dependencies imposed by the mentioned properties is to list all the generators $g_1,\ldots, g_m$ and select some of their Lie products according to the Philip Hall procedure described next [32].
Denote by $B$ the basis, and let $B_i$ be the $i$-th element in the basis. Define the length $l(G)$ of a Lie product $G$ as the number of generators in the expansion for $G$ or, alternatively in a recursive way:
$\displaystyle l(g_i)$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle 1\hspace{2cm} i=1,\ldots,m$ (34)
$\displaystyle l([G,H])$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle l(G)+l(H)$ (35)

where $G$ and $H$ are Lie products.
Then a Philip Hall basis is an ordered set of Lie products $\{B_i\}$ satisfying:
  1. $g_i \in B,\ i=1,\ldots, m$
  2. If $l(B_i)<l(B_j)$ then $B_i<B_j$
  3. $[B_i, B_j] \in B$ if and only if
    1. $B_i, B_j \in B$ and $B_i<B_j$ and
    2. either $B_j=g_k$ for some $k$ or $B_j=[B_p, B_q]$ with $B_p,
B_q \in B$ and $B_p\leq B_i$.
For proofs that a Philip Hall basis is indeed a basis for the Lie algebra generated by $g_1,\ldots, g_m$ the reader is referred to:
J-P. Serre. Lie Algebras and Lie groups. W. A. Benjamin, New York, 1965.
M. Hall. The Theory of Groups. Macmillan, 1959.
A Philip Hall basis which is nilpotent of order $k$ can also be constructed from the above definition by simply constructing all the Lie products that satisfy the properties in the above definition and have length not greater than $k$.

Implementation Notes		

The implementation of the algorithm is illustrated in the flow chart of Figs. . For further details and remarks on the implementation the reader is referred to the source code.
From a practical perspective, the basis B can be built in such a way that only condition 3 needs to be checked, since condition 1 must be assumed true for all initial generators and 2 may be satisfied by performing the multiplications in an orderly manner, as briefly described next.
Condition 3 is implemented within the dashed block labeled ``Create bracket $[B_i,B_j]$'', shown in Fig. 5.
The bracketing procedure (i.e. the procedure for generating new Lie products or brackets) can be though of as a breeding process. We must distinguish between to groups per ``breeding season'' (iteration), the offspring and the parents.
On the first iteration the generators are treated as offspring and are crossed between them. On the second iteration, the offspring are called parents (since they will be crossed they will become parents), and their offspring are the new offspring. Parents are crossed only with their offspring and not between them, since this happened in the previous iteration. While offspring are crossed between them and also their parents to cover all possible combinations. All the newborns are now called offspring and the ones that were offspring are now in the group of parents. And life goes on...
Offspring are ``cross-fertilized'' as shown in Fig. 6.2.

Figure 3: Lie bracketing tree.

% A-B

Note that the [B,C], [C,A] and [B,A] are not valid offspring since they violate condition 2, assuming a lexicographical order is followed, i.e. A, B, C, are respectively the first, second and third generators.
Now there are two groups: parents A, B, C and offspring [A,B], [A,C], [B,C], denoted AB, AC and BC for short. Offspring will reproduce again as graphically described in the above figure, but also they will be crossed with their parents. All parents are crossed with all offspring, in the following way:
Where 'x' stands for crossed with, i.e. represents the Lie product operator. Note that some of the crossings must be eliminated by rule 3, namely AxBC. In the flow chart of Figs. 4-5, $b$ denotes the bracketing iteration (breeding season), $g_old$ is the number of brackets that have been multiplied (crossed) at least once, $g_tot$ is the number the total number of brackets including parents and offspring updated at the end of the iteration. Note that $g_tot$ is note incremented as the breeding occurs since its value is necessary to close loop L3, in Fig. 5, to keep track of the new brackets the variable $g_acum$ is used, instead, and its value will be passed to $g_tot$ once the loop L3 is completed. The index $i$ points to each element in the initial population, and is associated with the first term in the bracket $[B_i,B_j]$, while the index $j$ associated with the second term in the bracket is set to start at the value of $j_min$ according to whether the the crossings will be done between the offspring only ($j_min=i+1$) or between the parents and the offspring ($j_min=g_old+1$).
Figure 4: Flow chart for the phb algorithm (contd. on Fig. 5).
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Figure 5: Flow chart for the phb algorithm (contd. from Fig. 4).
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Miguel Attilio Torres-Torriti 2004-05-31