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Create (declare) Lie algebra generators and control inputs.

Syntax createLBobjects(nGen,sLen);

This function creates the symbolic variables representing the Lie algebra generators and the control inputs. The function assumes the variables do not exist, so if the variables exists, they will be replaced by the new ones, with the corresponding assumptions without warning to the user. Adding a line to check for the existence of already assigned variables is simple and can be done as for the function phb. In general, however, verifying variables redefinition should not be really necessary since the amount of variables regarding a particular problem or system is directly related to the system model, which should only be changed at the time of declaring the system generators and inputs and not at some intermediate step of the symbolic manipulations.

Arguments $nGen$ Number of Lie algebra generators.
$sLen$ $\textstyle \parbox{0.64\textwidth}{Length of the sequence of inputs, i.e. the number of switchings in the input sequence.}$

Declaration of vector fields for a system with drift, 2 inputs and a sequence of control inputs of length 4 (i.e. four switches).
> createLBobjects(3,4);
Generators     Input Sequences
 f0~            u0_1~ u0_2~ u0_3~ u0_4~ 
 f1~            u1_1~ u1_2~ u1_3~ u1_4~ 
 f2~            u2_1~ u2_2~ u2_3~ u2_4~ 
Span of Generators for each segment of the control sequence

In the above example, f0, f1, f2 represent the vector fields which generate the Lie algebra. The tilde ~ symbol at the end of each variable indicates that some assumptions have been made on these variables. The ``subindex'' _i, after each variable var indicates the corresponding time interval, thus the expression var_i corresponds to the particular value of var in the time interval i of the input sequence. An arbitrary input sequence with 4 switches is illustrated in Fig. 6.1.

Figure 2: Control inputs sequence.

Notice that the the system in the example is drift-free, however it is possible to obtain a system with drift by simply setting the controls u0 to 1. This can be easily achieved with the Maple command subs for substituting expressions.

The current implementation does not allow to select a name for the generators or controls which are set to f and u, respectively.

In the current implementation the controls u are assumed to be of type real, even if they could be in any other field from the theoretical point of view. The reason for this is an apparent bug in Maple which returns true for the command is(x,scalar) for any x, even if x is assumed to be of type vector! Thus assuming x of type scalar causes a problem, since a generator of vector type will also be regarded by Maple as scalar and the simplification routines will fail to recognize it as a generator. To circumvent this problem, for the moment we use type real when we mean scalar, and type vector for the generators.

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Miguel Attilio Torres-Torriti 2004-05-31