Last update: Fall 1999.
Recent news, updates and current information, including assignments, is lower on the page, under "Hot news".
This page: Instructor | TAs
| News | Description | Syllabus | Marking | Hot news
Other pages: Resources | Lectures
Professor G. Dudek,
School of Computer Science.Email: (SEE NOTE ON EMAIL, BELOW)
Office hours: Tues. & Thurs. 1-1:30 and 4-4:30 in class. Other times by appointment.
Office: McConnell 419
Telephone: 398-4325.
IMPORTANT: For most course-related email (that could be addressed by a TA), you should use the class email account, not that of specific TA's or the Professor.
Prerequisites: Required: 308-203 or 308-250.
308-330 is recommended. A knowledge of programming under UNIX is assumed.Class email account: Class web page: <> Frequently asked questions and assignment tips: ~cs424/FAQ.html Textbook:
Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach", Prentice Hall, 1995. 932 pages, $97.95. Secondary references:
"Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Practice" by: Thomas Dean, James Allen, Yiannis Aloimonos 563 pages
Bonnie Lynn Webber and Nils J. Nilsson, "Readings in Artificial Intelligence", Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 1981.
Handouts: Some of the handouts may be (will-be) available online. So far, it's only the administrative handout, which essentially the same as this web page.
TA's office hours:
1:30-2:30 T,Th MC403.
This class focusses on Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence. We will study modern techniques for computers to make good (in some cases optimal) decisions that are applicable throughout an enormous range of industrial, civil, medical, financial, robotic and information systems. We will focus on core AI algorithms. Near the end of the course we will spend several lectures learning about and discussing some important current application areas of AI.
Evaluation will be based on:
The schedule is VERY TENTATIVE.
Learning and Reasoning
Perception and Action
Review, project discussions
Lecture notes are in PDF format.
On PDF format: Some notes will be provided using PDF-format files. The reader for PDF files is available free from Adobe for UNIX, Macs, and Windows. PDF files can also be viewed using ghostscript.
The lecture plan and some notes can be found on a separate page.