1. preliminaries (slides)   (notes)
    Course Outline, overview, dot & cross products (review)
Part 1: Viewing transformations: from vertices to pixels
  1. model transformations (notes) (slides) (3x3)
    rotations, scaling, translations, homogeneous coordinates, points at infinity
  2. view transformations (notes) (slides) (3x3) [no lecture recordings]
    viewer coordinates, GL_MODELVIEW, quadrics
  3. projections, view volume (notes) (slides) (3x3)
    orthographic & parallel, perspective, vanishing points; frustum, near and far planes
  4. projective transform (notes) (slides) (3x3) [no lecture recordings]
    normalized view volume, GL_PROJECTION, clipping coordinates
  5. clipping, windows, scan conversion (notes) (slides) (3x3)
    Cohen-Sutherland, display coordinates and viewports, rasterizing a line
Part 2: Visibility, geometry modelling
  1. hidden surface removal (notes) (slides) (3x3)
    OpenGL pipeline (end of part 1), back face culling, depth buffer, painter, ray casting
  2. more (efficient) hidden surface removal (notes) (slides) (3x3)
    BSP tree, octrees, bounding volume hierarchy
  3. object hierarchies (notes) (slides) (3x3)
    OpenGL transformation stack, fractals, L-systems
  4. smooth curves and surfaces (notes) (slides) (3x3)
    cubic splines (Hermite, Bezier, Catmull-Rom), bicubic surfaces
  5. meshes (notes) (slides) (3x3)
    level of detail, simplification, subdivision
Part 3: Rendering: light, material, texture, transparency
  1. lighting, material, shading (notes) (slides) (3x3)
    ambient/point/spot, diffuse/mirror/glossy, Gouraud/Phong
  2. review of selected exercises (1-11) (slides)
  3. review of midterm exam, review of rotations (slides)
  4. texture mapping (notes) (slides) (3x3)
    homographies, aliasing, magnification and minification, interpolation
  5. more texture mapping, procedural shading (notes) (slides) (3x3)
    MIP mapping, bump mapping
  6. ray tracing, environment mapping (notes) (slides) (3x3)
    cube/sphere map, refraction
  7. shadows and interreflections (slides) (3x3)
    cast vs attached, ray tracing, shadow mapping, ambient occlusions, interreflections
  8. image compositing (slides) (3x3)
    alpha, over, blending, pulling a matte
  9. volume rendering (slides) (3x3)
    blending N layers, fog, transfer functions
  10. review of selected exercises (12, 16-19) (slides)
Part 4: Image Capture and Display
  1. color (slides) (3x3)
    trichromacy, spectra, color matching, color displays, perceptual vs physical
  2. image capture (slides) (3x3)
    image blur, f-number, exposure, HDR imaging
  3. image display (slides) (3x3)
    Weber/Stevens Laws, gamma correction


Exercises 1

Exercises 2

Exercises 3

Exercises 4

Exercises 5

Exercises 6

Exercises 7

Exercises 8

Exercises 9

Exercises 10

Exercises 11

Exercises 12

midterm exam (with solutions)

Exercises 16

Exercises 17

Exercises 18

Exercises 19

Exercises 20

Exercises 21

Exercises 23

Exercises 24

Exercises 25

final exam with solutions (PDF)