Visiting us in Montreal

My office, the mobile robotics lab, and the Center for Intelligent Machines are on the 4th floor of the McConnell Engineering building (not the similar-sounding McDonald building). The School of Computer Science is mainly on the 3rd floor.

The building is at the East edge of the main campus, a city block North of the main entrance (the Roddick Gates), at the corner of MILTON and UNIVERSITY/BOURASSA streets. McGill is North of Sherbrooke Street and West of University Street. Note that the name of University street was changed to "Robert Bousassa", not to be confused with a different Bourassa street elsewhere in the city.

Sherbrooke is Montreal's main East-West Street. University is a major downtown North-South cross street.

The closest subway (metro) station is the McGill stop. The University is about 3 blocks North of the metro stop.

The list of links below should provide additional information on getting to us and seeing the city.

Back to the McGill Mobile Robotics page.

What to do in Montreal. A helpful guide to restaurants to hotels, bars to museums, etc.

Montreal's Offical Tourist Information
