Experiment #1


This experiment demonstrates that even Apparent Motion obeys Newton's 1st Law of motion, (namely that objects in motion tend to stay in motiuon unless acted upon by an external force). The bar on the right should be percieved to still exist for a couple of iterations after it has actually ceased appearing.


	Experiment #2

I found Experiment #1 (above) hard to see, so I devised my own experiment to support the claim that, our brains may invent situations that aren't really present just to help explain the unnatural. I designed a display consisting of a line that rotates around its center in order to create the illusion of a spinning axis. Then, periodically (every four cycles), I cut off half of the axis to see whether or not I was able to replace the missing piece simply by expecting it to be there. In my experiment it is extremely difficult to detect the missing piece since there is no logical explanation for its disappearance. For this reason our brain does not pick up on the irregularity. I can now conclude that our visual system solves correspondence problems by what it would expect in the real world, even if that means filling in missing pieces in order to naturally connect disconnected objects.