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Joshua Durso-Finley

Hello, I am a PhD student working under Tal Arbel in the Probabilistic Vision Group (PVG). I am currently interested in clinical trial enrichment and estimation of treatment effects using Machine Learning. Challenge me on lichess: jddursof

Research Interests

  • Treatment Effect Estimation
  • Probabilistic Deep Learning
  • Computer Vision


  • BSc

    Brown University, Providence RI, USA


  • Research Intern

    Biotree Systems, USA

  • Research Intern

    Voxon Photonics, USA

MIDL 2022: Precision medicine for chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS) involves choosing a treatment which best balances efficacy and side effects/preferences for individual patients. To this end, we present the first deep neural network model for individualized treatment decisions from baseline magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for MS patients.

Study image

MICCAI 2023:Image-based precision medicine aims to personalize treatment decisions based on an individual's unique imaging features so as to improve their clinical outcome. Machine learning frameworks that integrate uncertainty estimation as part of their treatment recommendations would be safer and more reliable. In this paper, we use Bayesian deep learning for estimating the posterior distribution over factual and counterfactual outcomes on several treatments.

Study image

2021, made with in pure Bootstrap 4, inspired by Academic Template for Hugo