Informative Views and Sequential Recognition Authors: Tal Arbel and Frank P. Ferrie File name: Abstract: In this paper we introduce a method for distinguishing between informative and uninformative viewpoints as they pertain to an active observer seeking to identify an object in a known environment. The method is based on a generalized inverse theory using a probabilistic framework where assertions are represented by conditional probability density functions. Consequently, the method also permits the assessment of the beliefs associated with a set of assertions based on data acquired from a particular viewpoint. The importance of this result is that it provides a basis by which an external agent can assess the quality of the information from a particular viewpoint, and make informed decisions as to what action to take using the data at hand. To illustrate the theory we show how the characteristics of belief distributions can be exploited in a model-based recognition problem, where the task is to identify an unknown model from a database of known objects on the basis of parameter estimates. This leads to a sequential recognition strategy in which evidence is accumulated over successive viewpoints (at the level of the belief distribution) until a definitive assertion can be made. Experimental results are presented showing how the resulting algorithms can be used to distinguish between informative and uninformative viewpoints, rank a sequence of images on the basis of their information (e.g. to generate a set of characteristic views), and sequentially identify an unknown object.