Localizing a Robot with Minimum Travel Gregory Dudek Kathleen Romanik Sue Whitesides We consider the problem of localizing a robot in a known environment modeled by a simple polygon $P$. We assume that the robot has a map of $P$ but is placed at an unknown location inside $P$. From its initial location, the robot sees a set of points called the visibility polygon $V$ of its location. In general, sensing at a single point will not suffice to uniquely localize the robot, since the set $H$ of points in $P$ with visibility polygon $V$ may have more than one element. Hence, the robot must move around and use range sensing and a compass to determine its position (i.e.\ localize itself). We seek a strategy that minimizes the distance the robot travels to determine its exact location. We show that the problem of localizing a robot with minimum travel is NP-hard. We then give a polynomial time approximation scheme that causes the robot to travel a distance of at most $(k-1)d$, where $k = |H|$ and $d$ is the length of a minimum length tour that would allow the robot to verify its true initial location by sensing. We also show that this bound is the best possible.