Assignment #2: Harmonic Frequency Synthesizer and FSK Modulator

due: February 13 by 9:30

This assignment may be done in pairs. You may use any VHDL simulation software with which you are familiar, such as Quartus II or Modelsim. Full specifications are available here.

Academic Integrity

The following is offered with apologies to the vast majority of students who do their work honestly and take their university learning seriously:

Your instructor takes academic integrity seriously and has no tolerance for plagiarism or any other form of academic misconduct. Failure to respect these guidelines will result in you receiving a grade of zero on this assignment.

Acceptable collaboration between students and teams might include:

Sharing of any computer code between students, or re-using any code from a third party (e.g., open source) is acceptable, provided that you indicate this explicitly at the start of your report and (as comments) in the VHDL code. In this case, only the portion of work that you did individually will be considered toward your grade.

Unacceptable collaboration and violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to:

If you are uncertain about any of these guidelines, please discuss with your instructor as soon as possible.

Specifications and Resources

The assignment specifications were provided originally by Ian Brynjolfson, a former TA for the lab.

Grading scheme

ComponentEvaluation rubric
Exercise 1: Implementation of ripple-carry adder and 5-bit register
  • 0: not provided
  • 3: implementation incomplete or poorly documented
  • 5: implementation appears to be complete and reasonably documented
Exercise 1: Frequency synthesizer implementation
  • 0: not provided
  • 3: implementation incomplete or poorly documented
  • 5: implementation appears to be complete and reasonably documented
Exercise 1: Simulation results
  • 0: no waveforms provided
  • 5: simulation results do not show all 5 frequency outputs
  • 10: all 5 frequencies demonstrated as outputs but results poorly annotated
  • 15: all requested frequencies demonstrated and clearly annotated
Exercise 1: maximum operational frequency reported from timing analysis
  • 0: not provided or not plausible
  • 5: results provided but not clear or otherwise obviously incorrect
  • 10: results are reasonable and clearly shown
Exercise 2: pipelined version of ripple-carry adder with register
  • 0: not provided
  • 3: implementation incomplete or poorly documented
  • 5: implementation appears to be complete and reasonably documented
Exercise 2: Simulation results
  • 0: no waveforms provided
  • 5: simulation results do not show all 5 frequency outputs
  • 10: all 5 frequencies demonstrated as outputs but results poorly annotated
  • 15: all requested frequencies demonstrated and clearly annotated
Exercise 2: maximum operational frequency reported from timing analysis
  • 0: not provided or not plausible
  • 5: results provided but not clear or otherwise obviously incorrect
  • 10: results are reasonable and clearly shown
Exercise 3: Demonstration of FSK Modulator
  • 0: results not provided
  • 10: results demonstrate switching between 10 and 11 MHz waveforms but lacking adequate annotation and/or failing to satisfy other requirements
  • 20: clearly annotated results demonstrating switching between 10 and 11 MHz waveforms with either 50-50 duty cycle or no phase discontinuity between frequency transitions
  • 30: clearly annotated results demonstrating both switching between 10 and 11 MHz waveforms with 50-50 duty cycle and no phase discontinuity at frequency transitions
Exercise 4 (bonus): Analog waveform generator
  • 0: not implemented
  • 10: VHDL appears to have "gotten close" to a working implementation, but does not output (approximate) sine waves
  • 15: VHDL achieves output of sine wave at least for one frequency
  • 20: VHDL is clearly annotated and output demonstrates sine wave outputs at multiple frequencies
  • 0: presentation offered no understanding of group's accomplishments on the assignment
  • 3: some important content was provided but presentation was generally not well organized or timed
  • 7: reasonably timed and understandable delivery, content was generally clear and provided general sense of the group's accomplishments on the assignment, even if incomplete
  • 10: well timed and understandable delivery, content was clearly presented and organized, slides contained appropriate selection of most relevant material, covering the results of Exercises 1-3 (bonus optional)