VBD, a 1D tactile display designed for this purpose. The work was later extended to the display of complete Braille characters witht the STReSS2, a general-purpose 2D tactile display."); $list['thmb'] = new InfoPage( "Mobile Haptics", "thmb.jpg", "mobile/", "This project is a tight collaboration with the University of British Columbia's SPIN lab under Prof. Karon MacLean's supervision."); $list['taxel'] = new InfoPage( "Tracking of skin deformation", "fingerprint.jpg", "http://vlevesque.com/project/taxel", "Developing rendering algorithms for laterotactile displays is challenging. This project explored a novel approach to the problem that consists in imaging fingerprint deformations during tactile exploration and applying image processing algorithms to track features and changes in local skin strain."); return $list; } ?> CSS(); ?> Laterotactile.com - Projects Header("projects"); ?>
Footer(); ?>