Centre for Intelligent Machines

McGill University

The Centre for Intelligent Machines is located on the fourth floor of the McConnell Engineering Building on the downtown campus.

CIM Summer School

The Centre for Intelligent Machines offers short courses for industry in the summer.

These courses, which typically last one or two days, are given by leaders in research and development of intelligent systems. The courses present the state-of-the-art in system analysis and design in a condensed format.

We are keen to welcome you to beautiful Montreal. Come to CIM Summer School and build on your own strengths to develop a competitive advantage for your organization by using cutting-edge technology!


Marlene Gray, CIM Manager (514) 398-4132
Benoit Boulet, CIM Director (514) 398-1478


McGill Centre for Intelligent Machines

McConnell Engineering Building
3480 University Street

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

H3A 2A7

To contact us:

Fax: 514-398-7348

Email: manager@cim.mcgill.ca