Operating Systems Overview

** Read Chapter 2, pp.28-44, Chapter 3, pp.53-60

- critical core of OS
- operates in supervisor mode -> must be trusted
- generic system software and user apps execute in user mode
- programs in user mode request kernel services by:
	- system call: x = fcn(a,b,..)/ return 
		- invokes trap, sets SU, when fcn done, resets SU and returns
	- message passing: send(dest, a, b...)/receive(from, a, b,...)
		- uses OS send/receive service (operates in supervisor mode)
		- generally less efficient
- evolution of kernels:
	- 60's: nonprocess kernel 
		- OS kernel is special program
		- has its own memory, stack, etc.
		- operates in its own privledged mode
	- 70's: kernel executed within user process
		- common for small minicomputers, PCs 
		- typified by UNIX
		- OS services accessed via normal subroutine calls
		- require scheme to enter SUP to give OS access to resources
		  (and return to USER mode when done)
	- 80's: microkernels
		- minimal fast kernel that provides only basic services
		- began with MACH (CMU)
		- non-kernel modules communicate largely via message-passing

First puzzle of OS:
- OS controls usage of computer resources
- but being a program itself, must relinquish control of machine to let other
  applications run
- how does it do this while remaining in charge?
- depends on HW/SW mechanisms to regain control

OS provides several important abstractions:
- process = fundamental unit of computation
	- process != program
	- can have several processes each running the same program
	- similar to a "job" of the batch processing days
	- process = represent'n of state of an instance of program in execution
- file = special resource: fundamental unit of information storage
	- OS uses storage devices such as disks/tapes
	- maps bytes of stream to physical positions on these devices
	- UNIX operations on file: open, close, read, write, lseek, ioctl
- other resources = machine component necessary for program execution
	(e.g. processor, memory, tape drive)
OS maintains descriptors for these abstractions in tables:
	e.g. resource descriptor table
		- identity
		- state (idle, allocated)
		- what process associated with it (if allocated)
		- number/identity of available units

	- we will look at other descriptor tables in more detail shortly

------------- FILES PRACTICE -----------

Opening/closing files in UNIX:

	creat(2):	#include <sys/stat.h>
			int creat(char *path, mode_t mode);
			/* = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, mode) */

	open(2):	#include <sys/types.h>
			#include <sys/stat.h>
			#include <fcntl.h>
			int open (char *path, int flag, [mode_t mode] );

	close(2):	int close (int fd);

- mode = permission bits (rwx access; optional)
- flag is one of the following: 
- possibly bitwise OR'd with one or more of:

File I/O:
	read(2):	ssize_t read (int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbytes);
	write(2):	ssize_t write (int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbytes);
	lseek(2):	#include <sys/types.h>
			#include <unistd.h>
			off_t lseek(int fildes, off_t offset, int whence);

- whence is one of the following:

- perform arbitrary control requests, eg. set file nonblocking
	ioctl(2):	int ioctl(int fd, int request, caddr_t arg);

Note: file operations used as abstraction for other resources