Threads and Intro to Scheduling


	- recognize that several programs can split CPU time while sharing 
	  other resources (e.g. memory, files, I/O devices, etc.)
	- in general, multiple threads can coexist in one process
	- visualize as multiple traces of same process executing independently
	- i.e. multiple PCs on same program text
	- each thread has various attributes
		- execution state (running, ready, etc.)
		- thread context (processor state) -- saved when not running
		- execution stack and local variables
		- pointers to resources (memory, I/O buffers, etc.) shared
		  with other threads of same process
	- process is responsible for managing CPU time sharing of threads 

Priviledged Execution
	- processes shouldn't be allowed to modify process management info
	- could make all other processes suspended and monopolize CPU
	- solution: restrict memory access to PCB addresses
	- attempt to write to those addresses causes trap to OS
	- but OS needs to modify PCB to manage procs, state transitions, etc.
	- allowed in privledged execution mode
		- use of CPU control features determined by 
		  supervisor (SU) bit of PSW
		- can't allow anybody to toggle 
		  (eg. disable interrupts indefinitely)
		- instead, bit is toggled by traps/interrupts
			- SU bit toggled
			- special code invoked: exception or interrupt handler
			- code is outside of process's address space
			- attempt to modify code would cause trap (seg fault)


- scheduler responsible for multiplexing CPU
- policy: WHEN to remove process from CPU
- mechanism: HOW to remove process and put on another
- scheduling mechanism involves: 
	- enqueuer - adds (newly made ready) processes to ready list
		   - computes priority for each process in list
	- context switcher - removes process from CPU 
			   - saves register contents in PCB
			   - context switch to dispatcher
	- dispatcher - selects a ready process and performs context switch to it

- scheduling techniques:
	- voluntary: 
		- active running process explicitly invokes switcher
		- active process makes resource request
	- involuntary: 
		- timed interrupt invokes switcher (preemption)

- voluntary scheduling:
	- process p1 performs yield(r, s)
	- yield saves next instruction address (available on stack) 
	  at special memory location "r"
	- OS uses PID to calculate: r = f(p1.PID)
	- new address to load to PC determined from memory location "s"
	- assume process p2 had earlier done a yield(s, r)
	- then yield of p1 would result in p2 continuing...
	- for more than two processes, "s" = address of dispatcher:

	p1: runnning... yield (r, dispatcher)
	dispatcher: calculate s, yield (dispatcher, s)
	pi: invoked...

	[note: p.159 fig 7.3 should replace p,q with r,s]

	- problem: process may never yield, need involuntary preemption

- involuntary scheduling:
	- interval timer generates interrupt
	- interrupt handler invokes scheduler