There are many similarities between the three types of System V  IPC, so we will cover them together:
Message queue Semaphore Shared memory
include file  <sys/msg.h>  <sys/mem.h>  <sys/shm.h>
syscall to create or open msgget() semget() shmget()
syscall for control ops msgctl() semctl() shmctl()
syscall for IPC operations msgsnd(); msgrcv() semop() shmat(); shmdt()

Identifiers and Keys

Two processes (e.g. client/server or parent/child) can coordinate IPC usage in any of the following ways: char *path                key_t key   msgget()  int id
------------> ftok() ---------->   semget() ----------->

IPC creation rules

The three get functions (msggetc, semget, and shmget) all have two similar arguments: a key and an integer flag.  A new IPC structure is created if either:
flag argument key does not exist key already exists
no special flags error, errno = ENOENT OK
IPC_CREAT OK, creates new entry OK
IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL OK, creates new entry error, errno = EEXIST

IPC permission structure

#include <ipc.h>

struct ipc_perm {
        ushort  uid;    /* owner's user id */
        ushort  gid;    /* owner's group id */
        ushort  cuid;   /* creator's user id */
        ushort  cgid;   /* creator's group id */
        ushort  mode;   /* access modes */
        ushort  seq;    /* slot usage sequence number */
        key_t   key;    /* key */
All the field other than seq are initialized when the IPC structure is created.  The values of the mode field correspond to read and write (or alter, in the case of semaphores) permission for the three classes of user, group, and other.

Message Queues

Every message on a queue has the following attributes: For every message queue in the system, the kernel maintains the following structure of information:
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>            /* defines the ipc_perm structure */

struct msqid_ds {
        struct ipc_perm msg_perm;       /* operation permission struct */
        struct msg      *msg_first;     /* ptr to first message on q */
        struct msg      *msg_last;      /* ptr to last message on q */
        ushort          msg_cbytes;     /* current # bytes on q */
        ushort          msg_qnum;       /* # of messages on q */
        ushort          msg_qbytes;     /* max # of bytes on q */
        ushort          msg_lspid;      /* pid of last msgsnd */
        ushort          msg_lrpid;      /* pid of last msgrcv */
        time_t          msg_stime;      /* time of last msgsnd */
        time_t          msg_rtime;      /* time of last msgrcv */
        time_t          msg_ctime;      /* time of last msgctl 
                                           (that changed the above) */

Kernel representation

                struct msgid_ds
msgid ------>
                msg_perm struct   /-->  link -------->  link ---------> NULL
                msg_first -------/      type = 100      type = 200    / type = 300
                msg_last -----\         length = 1      length = 2   /  length = 3
                   ...         \        data            data        /   data
                msg_ctime       \                       ...        /    ...
                                 \                                /     ...

Message Queue Creation

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/msg.h>
int msgget (key_t key, int msgflag);
Numeric Symbolic Description
0400 MSG_R Read by owner
0200 MSG_W Write by owner
0040 MSG_R >> 3 Read by group
0020 MSG_W >> 3 Write by group
0004 MSG_R >> 6 Read by world
0002 MSG_W >> 6 Write by world
IPC_CREAT (described above)
IPC_EXCL (described above)

Message Send/Receive

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/msg.h>
#define NBYTES 512        /* size of largest message we need to send */
struct msgbuf {
    long mtype;           /* message type, must be > 0 */
    char mtext[NBYTES];   /* message data */
int msgsnd (int msqid, struct msgbuf *ptr, int length, int flag);
int msgrcv (int msqid, struct msgbuf *ptr, int length, long msgtype, int flag);
The long integer msgtype argument specifies which message on the queue is desired:

Message Control

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/msg.h>
int msgctl (int msqid, int cmd, struct msqid_ds *buf);
cmd action
IPC_STAT fetch the msqid_ds structure for this queue, store it in buf
IPC_SET set the msg_perm.uid, msg_perm.gid, msg_perm.mode, and msg_qbytes associated with this queue from the values stores in buf
IPC_RMID remove the message queue from the system


The System V implementation of semaphores is somewhat more complicated than we would like:
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>            /* defines the ipc_perm structure */
struct sem {
        ushort          semval;         /* semaphore value, nonnegative */
        short           sempid;         /* pid of last operation */
        ushort          semncnt;        /* # awaiting semval > cval */
        ushort          semzcnt;        /* # awaiting semval = 0 */
struct semid_ds {
        struct ipc_perm sem_perm;       /* operation permission struct */
        struct sem      *sem_base;      /* ptr to first semaphore in set */
        ushort          sem_nsems;      /* # of semaphores in set */
        time_t          sem_otime;      /* time of last semop */
        time_t          sem_ctime;      /* time of last change */

Kernel representation

                struct semid_ds
semid ------>
                sem_perm struct   /-->  semval[0] 
                sem_base  -------/      sempid[0]
                sem_otime               semncnt[0]
                sem_ctime               semzcnt[0]

Semaphore Creation

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
int semget (key_t key, int nsems, int semflag);
Numeric Symbolic Description
0400 SEM_R Read by owner
0200 SEM_A Alter by owner
0040 SEM_R >> 3 Read by group
0020 SEM_A >> 3 Alter by group
0004 SEM_R >> 6 Read by world
0002 SEM_A >> 6 Alter by world
IPC_CREAT (as described)
IPC_EXCL (as described)
Note that semget() is not an atomic operation.

Semaphore Wait/Signal Operations

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
struct sembuf {
    ushort   sem_num;   /* semaphore # */
    short    sem_op;    /* semaphore operation */
    short    sem_flg;   /* operation flags */
[atomic] int semop (int semid, struct sembuf *opsptr, unsigned int nops);
The atomicity of semop is because it either does all the operations in the array or it does none of them.

Semaphore Control

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
union semun {
    int               val;      /* used for SETVAL only */
    struct semid_ds   *buf;     /* used for IPC_STAT and IPC_SET */
    ushort            *array;   /* used for GETALL & SETALL */
    } arg;
int semctl (int semid, int semnum, int cmd, union semun arg);
cmd action
IPC_STAT fetch the semid_ds structure for this set, store it in arg.buf
IPC_SET set the sem_perm.uid, sem_perm.gid, and sem_perm.mode associated with this semaphore set from the values stores in arg.buf
IPC_RMID remove the semaphore set from the system
GETVAL return the value of semval for the member semnum
SETVAL set the value of semval for the member semnum as specified by arg.val
GETALL fetch all the semaphore values in the set and store them in the array pointed to by arg.array
SETALL set all the semaphore values in the set to the values pointed to by arg.array

Semaphore Adjustment on exit

If a process terminates while it has resources allocated through a semaphore, we may run into problems.  Therefore, SYSV provides the SEM_UNDO flag for semaphore operations. Whenever we allocate resources (a sem_op value less than 0) using this flag, the kernel remembers how many resources we allocated from that particular semaphore.  When the process terminates, either voluntarily or involuntarily, the kernel applies the necessary adjustments to any outstanding semaphores.

Shared Memory

Shared memory allows two or more processes to share a given region of memory.  This is the fastest form of IPC because the data does not need to be copied between processes.  The only trick is that access must be synchronized, for example, when one process is writing to memory and another wishes to read.
struct shmid_ds {
        struct ipc_perm shm_perm;       /* operation permission struct */
        struct anon_map *shm_amp;       /* ptr in kernel */
        int             shm_segsz;      /* size of segment in bytes */
        ushort          shm_lkcnt;      /* # of times segment is being locked */
        pid_t           shm_lpid;       /* pid of last shmop() */
        pid_t           shm_cpid;       /* pid of creater */
        ulong           shm_nattch;     /* number of current attaches */
        ulong           shm_cnattach;   /* used only for shminfo */
        time_t          shm_atime;      /* last attach time */
        time_t          shm_dtime;      /* last detach time */
        time_t          shm_ctime;      /* last change time */

Obtaining A Shared Memory Segment

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
int shmget (key_t key, int size, int flag);

Shared Memory Control

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
int shmctl (int shmid, int cmd, struct shmid_ds *buf);
cmd action
IPC_STAT fetch the shmid_ds structure for this set, store it in buf
IPC_SET set the shm_perm.uid, shm_perm.gid, and shm_perm.mode associated with this segment from the values stores in buf
IPC_RMID remove the shared memory segment from the system
SHM_LOCK lock the shared memory segment in memory; can only be executed by the superuser
SHM_UNLOCK unlock the shared memory segment in memory; can only be executed by the superuser

Shared Memory Access

Once a shared memory segment has been created, a process attaches it to its address space by calling shmat().
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
int shmat (int shmid, void *addr, int flag);
When the process is done with the shared memory segment, it detaches it using shmdt().

int shmdt (void *addr);

The addr argument is the value returned previously by shmat().

Example Code illustrating SYSV IPC

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/msg.h>
/* a record in shared memory */
typedef struct {
    int a, b;
    } SharedRec;
/* binary semaphore wait */
void semwait(int id) {
    struct sembuf buf;
    buf.sem_num = 0;
    buf.sem_op = -1;
    buf.sem_flg = 0;
    if (-1 == semop (id, &buf, 1)) {
        perror ("semop");
/* binary semaphore signal */
void semsignal (int id) {
    struct sembuf buf;
    buf.sem_num = 0;
    buf.sem_op = 1;
    buf.sem_flg = 0;
    if (-1 == semop (id, &buf, 1)) {
        perror ("semop");
/* a message */
#define MSG_SIZE 20
typedef struct {
    long type;
    char msgtxt[MSG_SIZE];
    } Message;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int shid = 0;
    int semid;
    int qid;
    int i, j;
    SharedRec *sr;
    union semun un;
    Message msg, rcv;
    /* initialize message */
    msg.type = 1;
    strcpy (msg.msgtxt, "hello world");
    /* get a private message queue */
    if (-1 == (qid = msgget (IPC_PRIVATE, MSG_R | MSG_W))) {
        perror ("msgget");
    /* send a message to myself */
    if (-1 == msgsnd (qid, &msg, MSG_SIZE, 0)) {
        perror ("msgsnd");
    /* receive that message and print it */
    if (-1 == msgrcv (qid, &rcv, MSG_SIZE, 1, 0)) {
        perror ("msgrcv");
    printf ("rcv: %d - %s\n\n", rcv.type, rcv.msgtxt);
     * NOTE: If multiple processes access this code,
     * we have a possible race condition here!
    /* get a semaphore to protect shared memory area */
    if (-1 == (semid = semget (IPC_PRIVATE, 1, SEM_R | SEM_A))) {
        perror ("semget");
    /* initialize the semaphore */
    un.val = 1;
    if (-1 == semctl (semid, 0, SETVAL, un)) {
        perror ("semctl");
    /* get shared memory area for 10 SharedRec structures */
    if (-1 == (shid = shmget (IPC_PRIVATE, 10 * sizeof(SharedRec), SHM_R | SHM_W))) {
        perror ("shmget");
    /* attach shared memory to the record pointer */
    if (-1 == (int)(sr = (SharedRec *)shmat (shid, 0, 0))) {
        perror ("shmat");
    /* fork a child; write and read something in the shared area in both */
    switch (fork()) {
    case -1:
        perror ("fork");
    case 0: 
        fprintf (stderr, "I am a child\n");

        for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
            semwait (semid);
            for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                sr[i].a = sr[i].b = 2;
            semsignal (semid);

            sleep(1);    /* don't want to exit too quickly */

            semwait (semid);
            for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                fprintf (stderr, "\ta %d b %d\n", sr[i].a, sr[i].b);
            semsignal (semid);
        /* same routine for the parent */
        for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
            semwait (semid);
            for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                sr[i].a = sr[i].b = 1;
            semsignal (semid);

            sleep(1);    /* don't want to exit too quickly */

            semwait (semid);
            for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                fprintf (stderr, "a %d b %d\n", sr[i].a, sr[i].b);
            semsignal (semid);
    /* clean up after child */
    wait (NULL);
    /* detach and clear shared memory */
    if (-1 == shmdt ((void *)sr)) {
        perror ("shmdt");
    if (-1 == shmctl (shid, IPC_RMID, NULL)) {
        perror ("shmctl");
    /* clear semaphore */
    if (-1 == semctl (semid, 1, IPC_RMID, un)) {
        perror ("semctl");
    /* clear msgq */
    if (-1 == msgctl (qid, IPC_RMID, NULL)) {
        perror ("msgctl");
    return 0;

Race-free Semaphore Initialization

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
#include <errno.h>
int sem_create(key_t key, int initval, int flags) {
    int id, semval;
    union semun sun;
    struct sembuf op_lock[2] = {
        {2, 0, 0},    /* wait for [2] (lock) to equal 0          */
        {2, 1, 0}     /* then increment [2] to 1 - this locks it */
    struct sembuf op_unlock = {
        2, -1, 0      /* decrement [2] (lock) back to 0          */
    if (key == IPC_PRIVATE || key == (key_t)-1) {
        errno = EINVAL;    /* invalid semaphore key */
        return -1;
    again:    /* label for goto */
    if (-1 == (id = semget(key, 3, flags | IPC_CREAT))) {
        return -1;
     * When the 3-member semaphore is created, we know that the value of all 
     * 3 members is 0.  Get a lock on the semaphore by waiting for [2] to equal 0, 
     * then increment it.
     * There is a race condition here.  Between semget() above and semop() below,
     * another process can remove the semaphore if that process is the last one
     * to use it.  Therewfore, we have to handle the error condition of an invalid
     * semaphore ID, which we do simply by recreating it (at the again label).
    if (-1 == semop(id, op_lock, 2)) {
        if (EINVAL == errno) {
            goto again;
        return -1;
    if (-1 == (semval = semctl(id, 1, GETVAL, 0))) {
        return -1;
    if (!semval) {
        /* the semaphore has not been intialized yet */
        sun.val = initval;
        if (-1 == semctl(id, 0, SETVAL, sun)) {
            return -1;
        sun.val - 1;
        if (-1 == semctl(id, 1, SETVAL, sun)) {
            return -1;
    /* release the lock */
    if (-1 == semop(id, &op_unlock, 1)) {
        return -1;
    return id;