Winter '95 Final Exam

  1. In class, we developed algorithms based on a binary parse tree, T, for queries. Consider the situation in which we now allow internal nodes of a new parse tree, T', to have either two or three children. An AND node with three children would express a query of the form (x AND y AND z) while an OR node with three children would express a query of the form (x OR y OR z). Given a query, Q, and its parse tree, T', answer the following questions:

    a) [3 marks] Our algorithm for marking nodes of the parse tree with an asterisk (*), recursively marks those nodes, x, for which the subtree rooted at x denotes a query that can be assisted by the indexed fields. Express the criteria for which a node of the parse tree, T' should be marked.

    1. if Q is of the form F op v and F is indexed
    2a. if Q is of the form (Q1 AND Q2 [AND Q3]) and the indices help answer any of Q1, Q2 [, and Q3].
    2b. if Q is of the form (Q1 OR Q2 [OR Q3]) and the indices help answer all of Q1, Q2 [, and Q3]

    b) [3 marks] Draw the parse tree, T', for the following query, Q, and mark all of the nodes according to the conditions you expressed in part (a). Assume that indices exist for the fields of MANUFACTURER and COLOUR.

    Find the license plate numbers of all:

    c) [1 mark] Do the indexed fields help answer the query, Q?

    Since the root is marked, the indices help.

    d) [5 marks] Write the general algorithm that obtains the set of records P(Q), satisfying a query, Q. Keep in mind that internal nodes may have either two or three children.

       P(Q: query) : set of pointers
          if Q is a leaf
             then compute P(Q) directly using the index
          else if Q is an AND node
             let Q1, Q2, Q3 be the children of Q
             if all three children are all marked
                then P(Q) <- P(Q1) intersect P(Q2) intersect P(Q3)
             else if two of the children are marked
                let Q1, Q2 be the two marked children
                P1 <- P(Q1) intersect P(Q2)
                P(Q) <- {}
                for each p element of P1
                   if record pointed to by p satisfies Q3
                      then P(Q) <- P(Q) U {p}
             else (only one child is marked)
                let Q1 be the marked child
                P1 <- P(Q1)
                P(Q) <- {}
                for each p element of P1
                   if record pointed to by p satisfies Q2 and Q3
                      then P(Q) <- P(Q) U {p}
          else (if Q is an OR node)
             let Q1, Q2, Q3 be the children of Q
             P(Q) <- P(Q1) U P(Q2) U P(Q3)

    e) [3 marks] Assume that the car database consists of two files, with the following fields:

    Express the query of part (b) in relational algebra, making use of these fields.

    PI_       { [(sigma_  AUTO)   |X|    (sigma_ INSURANCE)]  U
       license          MANUFACTURER = Ford	    YEAR=1976
    		    COLOUR = red
                [(sigma_ AUTO)]  				  U
    		    COLOUR = green
                {[(sigma_ AUTO)]      |X|   
    	            COLOUR = black
     	       [(sigma_ INSURANCE) U (sigma_ INSURANCE]} }
    			YEAR=1980	     YEAR=1981

  2. [5 marks] You wish to generate sorted partitions using the three methods discussed in class. If your input file consists of 100 records and your memory buffer can hold 10 records at a time, what length partitions will be generated, using (i) internal sorting, (ii) replacement selection, and (iii) natural selection, for the three possible orderings of input data? Fill in the table with your answer.
    Input ordering internal sorting replacement selection natural selection
    unsorted (random)
    (eg. F, D, A, R, ...)
    10 20 10e = 27
    (eg. A, B, C, D, ...)
    10 100 100
    reverse sorted
    (eg. Z, Y, X, W, ...)
    10 10 10

  3. [5 marks] Suppose you can have a total of three files open at a time. Given a series of 10 partitions, how you would distribute them across the input files for a polyphase merge, that is, how many partitions would you place in each file? Indicate any dummy partitions you use as well. Show all your work.

    Iteration File 1 File 2 File 3Total
    n 1 0 0 1
    n-1 0 1 1 2
    n-2 1 0 2 3
    n-3 3 2 0 5
    n-4 0 5 3 8
    n-5 5 0 8 13

    Since we only have 10 actual partitions, we should distribute them as follows:

      File 1 File 2 File 3Total
    Real 4 0 6 10
    Dummy 1 0 2 3
    Total 5 0 8 13

  4. a) [1 mark] In one sentence, explain the cause of secondary clustering.

    Non-linear probing causes synonyms (records whose keys hash to the same initial address) to trace out the same probing sequence.

    b) [1 mark] Why does double hashing overcome secondary clustering?

    Assuming a double hash function of the form p(K,i) = [h(K) + (i-1)h'(K)] mod M, even if h(K1) = h(K2), it is highly unlikely that h'(K1) = h'(K2). Thus, synonyms are unlikely to collide on the second probing attempt.

    c) [3 marks] Is it possible to overcome secondary clustering with only a single hashing function? If so, provide such a function, and if not, explain why.

    Yes, by combining the probe number term, i, with the key, k in a single function, for example, p(K,i) = [k × (k+i)²] mod M

    An alternative, but not as general solution is to use a 1-1 mapping, such that the address space of the hashing function is the same as the key space. Naturally, this is not usually feasible.

    Note that pseudo-random functions do not necessarily avoid secondary clustering.

  5. [1 mark] What is wrong with the claim that postscript files are not usable by home computer systems because of the non-ASCII format?

    Postscript files are in ASCII format. Furthermore, postscript previewers are readily available for most home computer systems.

  6. A certain file is stored in buckets as determined using the method of dynamic hashing. The hash function is h(K) = K mod 4 and the first few bits of the B string associated with each key in the file are given in the table below. Each bucket can hold up to 2 records. Show the state of the directory and the file after the records with keys 17, 13, 16, 5, and 25 are inserted.
    Key B
    17 01101
    13 00101
    16 10110
    5 11110
    25 01001

  7. a) [2 marks] Calculate the size of a B-tree node of order 10, containing keys 10 bytes in length. Assume that all pointers are 4 bytes in length.

    NS = M-1 × (KS + PS) + M × PS
          = (10 - 1) × (10 + 4) + 10 × 4
          = 9 × 14 + 10 × 4
          = 126 + 40
          = 166

    b) [2 marks] Assume a B-tree consists of three levels of completely full nodes. You are asked to locate a particular record, with key K, followed by the next record in the sequence, and report its key value. Illustrate the best case and the worst case in terms of numbers of file accesses for this task. How many file accesses would be required in each case?

    Best case: 3 file accesses. There are three possibilities, illustrated by the following examples:

    a) The pointer P1 to the record with key K is found in the root node N1 and the pointer P9 to the next record is found in node N8.

    b) The pointer P4 to the record with key K is found in node N2 and the pointer P7 to the next record is found in node N7.

    c) The pointers P7 and P8 to both the record with key K and the next record are found in leaf node N7.

    Worst case: 5 file accesses (or 3 if you are keeping a stack):

    The pointer P8 to the record with key K is found in node N7 and the pointer P1 to the next record is found in the root node N1.

    c) [2 marks] Assume instead that you were asked to perform the same task as from part (b) on a B+ tree with three levels of nodes. Illustrate the best case and the worst case, and provide the number of file accesses for each.

    Best case: 3 file accesses. Since all of the pointers to main file records are stored in the leaf nodes, we must descend through the three levels of the B+ tree. At that time, we may find the pointers to both the record with key K and the next record in the same leaf node, for example, node N7, containing pointers P1 and P2.

    Worst case: 4 file accesses: We find the pointer P2 to the record with key K at leaf node N7 and the pointer P3 to the next record in the right adjacent leaf node N8.

    d) [3 marks] Assume that the B-tree nodes of part (a) are completely full. How many levels of index nodes would this B-tree require in order to store pointers to 10^4 (ten thousand) records?

    The B-tree is of order M=10. So, assuming the root is level 0, a completely full level i of the tree contains pointers to 9 × 10^i records. The entire tree B-tree, m levels in height, consisting of completely full index nodes, must then contain pointers to the sum, from 0 to m, of 9 × 10^i records.

    Level Record pointers in level Total pointers
    0 9 9
    1 90 99
    2 900 999
    3 9000 9999
    4 90000 99999

    Clearly, we require a minimum of four levels.